Chapter 456 Conspiracy ([-])

"Hmph, you don't need to provoke me with words. I won't cooperate with you. Don't forget that the strength of those people is not something you can deal with. If I read correctly, they should all be descendants of Xuanxian. The strong man in the world, you all want to deal with him

Ladies and gentlemen, I advise you to give up this idea, and be careful that a mistake will cause eternal hatred. "Ye Tiancheng said coldly.

"Don't forget that we have so many low-grade divine pills and top-grade elixir. It is not a problem to create some Xuanxian and Jinxian in a short period of time. They are only five people. Our two factions can be cultivated with pills. Hundreds or even hundreds of Xuan Xian, may also
More, not to mention Jinxian, it will be more than enough to deal with the five Xuanxians. "Lan Chengtian said confidently.

"Hahahaha, I don't know what level of cultivation they are. I think you should be as uncertain as I am. I only know that at least one or two of them are in the realm of Xuanxian. Fairyland, don't forget, those
The pills are given by them, even if none of them have reached the realm of Xuanxian, by the time you reach the realm of Xuanxian with the use of pills, maybe they have reached a higher realm with more pills, and even wait for you all to reach the realm of Xuanxian. By the time they reached the realm of Xuanxian, there might have been

There are strong men in the realm of immortals, do you think you will be their opponents? "Ye Tiancheng laughed wildly.

"Hmph, Ye Tiancheng, since you don't want to cooperate with us and don't dare to take this risk, then we won't hold you back. You people from Beichen Palace can leave without sending you off." Lan Chengtian directly issued an order to expel the guests.

"Haha, you don't need to say, we will leave naturally, let's go." Ye Tiancheng laughed and led all the cultivators of Beichen Palace to leave.

When Ye Tiancheng left, he thought in his heart: "Hmph, instead of taking the risk of killing them and snatching the elixir in their hands, it's better to catch that celestial cultivator. Maybe he has a top-grade celestial weapon. Other babies, otherwise they wouldn't have offended those few
Personal consumption of elixirs like this makes us chase him down. No matter what the reason is, let's catch that celestial cultivator first. "

"Lan Chengtian, I think what Ye Tiancheng said makes sense, should we give up?" After Ye Tiancheng and others left, Wu Zhiyuan said hesitantly.

"Wu Zhiyuan, why are you afraid of this? If you are willing to do it, our Leitian Xianmen can make it ourselves. By then, all the pills will belong to our Leitian Xianmen. Don't be jealous, and seek wealth and wealth. It's worth it Let's take the risk, even if
So what if there is a strong immortal among them?These elixirs are enough for us to train many cultivators in the Xuanxian Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm, and there is a reason why I arranged them in the Leitian Temple. There is a very aggressive ancient formation there. A collection of two factions
Even if there are immortals among them, so what?Still let them go out of their wits. " Lan Chengtian said seductively.

"Okay, I, Yongfeng Sect, are willing to cooperate with your Leitian Xianmen." Finally, Wu Zhiyuan was driven crazy by the huge temptation and was willing to cooperate with Lan Chengtian.

Afterwards, the two major sects only sent out a few inner disciples to chase and kill Li Huanyang, while Beichen Palace sent out many disciples to hunt down Li Huanyang.

(End of this chapter)

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