Chapter 457 After a Thousand Years ([-])

The ancestors of the three schools, the masters, the elders and the elders of the three sects all practiced in seclusion, in order to break through the realm of Xuanxian as soon as possible, so as to deal with Wukong and others, and rob Wukong and others of their wealth.

At this time, Wukong and others had just entered the hall of the magnificent floating palace inside Xuanling Canyon.

"Wukong, who are they? Why are they here?" As soon as Zixia and the others entered the hall, they saw eleven strange young people and Wukong's Creation Holy Body practicing in the hall.

There were three beauties among the eleven strange young men, and Zixia noticed these three beauties first, and these three beauties made Zixia feel a little bit jealous.

Among the eleven strange young people, including Wukong's fire source, the sacred body Lieyan, Zixia has never seen it before, so it is also a stranger to Zixia.

"That's right, big brother, who are those beauties? Hurry up and introduce my brother to me, hehe." Qi Yanfeng stared at the three beauties who were practicing with excitement and said, almost drooling.

"Hehe, they are the avatars of the Holy Body transformed by me with the Supreme Treasure of Origin and the Supreme Treasure of Law." Wukong explained with a smile.

"What? The holy body clone? How come there are women?" Zixia asked in surprise.

"Brother, aren't you too evil? The avatar actually produced a few beauties, which made me happy for nothing, but then again, you have too many avatars, right?" Qi Yanfeng said in surprise and disappointment.

"My holy body avatars are all transformed from the artifact spirits in the source treasure and law treasure. If the original artifact spirits in these magic treasures are female, the transformed holy body avatars are female. The spirit is male. The transformed holy body clone is male, only

That's all. " Wukong said helplessly.

"Yeah." Zixia secretly delighted: "Hee hee, it's just a clone."

"By the way, big brother, hehe, can you give me some grandmist magic weapons! You have so many grandmeng-level magic weapons, and you can't use them all. Give me a few for self-defense, little brother, hehe." Qi Yanfeng said with a sinister smile. Said.

"You choose it yourself! You three also choose two magic weapons." Wukong stretched out his hand a little to the side, and a door of light appeared immediately.

"Hey, big brother, you're so good, I have nothing to say." Qi Yanfeng happily dodged towards the light gate immediately.

"Thank you, Great Sage." Xuan Xi and Zihuangtian (the name was wrongly spelled as Emperor's Heaven before, but it has been changed now) quickly thanked, and also very happily flashed towards the Guangmen.

Qi Yanfeng and the others entered the Light Gate, but Zixia stayed where she was, with no intention of leaving.

"Zixia, why don't you go?" Wukong asked suspiciously seeing that Zixia hadn't moved.

"I, I have the Zihuan sword, so I don't need it." Zixia said in a low voice.

"With your current strength, it seems inappropriate to use the Zihuan Sword. You'd better go and choose a few primordial magic weapons." Wukong persuaded.

"Hee hee, don't underestimate my Zihuan sword. It is my natal magic weapon, and it also belongs to the original treasure. It is the original fire treasure, but it is still growing, and now it has been promoted to a magic weapon of the innate treasure level. already." Zixia explained ostentatiously


"The treasure of the origin of fire? How come there is the treasure of the origin of fire, and it is a growth type?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

Digression: Well, forget it, I don’t update according to the number of clicks. If this continues, there will be [-] or [-] clicks every day, then my book will not be able to be written, and I will update as many as I can write every day.

(End of this chapter)

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