Chapter 458 After a Thousand Years ([-])

"Hee hee, you don't know that. I also found out through communicating with Xiaohuan. It turns out that in many universes, some people are born with magic weapons. These magic weapons are collectively called natal magic weapons. They are born with these people. Of course there are also magic weapons
There are high and low ones, the low ones are just ordinary spirit weapons, and the high ones can reach the level of top-level artifacts. Of course, the level of this natal magic weapon will be whatever level it is after it is born, but the high-level ones will be temporarily sealed until the master becomes stronger. Then slowly lift the seal, just like this
Similarly, it is difficult for high-level ones to appear. In some universes, there are a large number of such practitioners. They are born with magic weapons. There is also a growth-type natal magic weapon, and growth-type natal magic weapons are even rarer. It is even rarer to grow to a high level.
Among the 100 billion natal magic weapons of this type, there may not be one that can grow into a magic weapon that is higher than the acquired spiritual treasure, and my natal magic weapon that can grow into the original treasure is even more trillions of growth-type natal magic weapons. One trillion (one trillion equals one trillion) can appear
One is not bad, the Zihuan sword will become the supreme source treasure in the future, so I don't need to choose a magic weapon of the primordial level, I only need a Zihuan sword is enough.As for why there is still the treasure of the origin of fire, I don't know. "

Zixia explained with a grin.

"Oh, so that's the case. Since you don't want to choose other magic weapons, I won't force you. Next, let's practice here!" After Wukong understood, he didn't force Zixia to choose a few magic weapons at the primordial level.

"En." Zixia nodded obediently.

Then Wukong and Zixia didn't wait for Qi Yanfeng and others, but first went to the center of the main hall to start cultivating. There is a large amount of primordial purple energy here, all emanating from the 360 ​​four gates. Practicing here will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Afterwards, Wukong and Zixia entered the state of cultivation. Zixia was cultivating by absorbing the primordial purple energy around her. Of course, these primordial purple energy cannot be absorbed by Zixia if she wants to. Still relatively slow, an hour can
It would be good to absorb ten primordial purple qi and refine them.

Wukong is going to integrate the Dao and the original power of his former Yuanxin Dao ancestor. Those holy body clones don’t actually need to be cultivated. Weak, so unlocked
The strength is also weak, as long as Wukong's strength increases, they can increase the strength.

However, in order to merge perfectly in the future, their strength must be consistent with that of Wukong, and Wukong does not intend to fuse with them before he has proved the way of nothingness. Their original strength when they were the most powerful period was only the Supreme Being. The strength of the early Tao,

So they must also cultivate.

Except for Wukong's gold and earth original holy body and Wukong's first body, which also absorbed and merged the Dao of Yuanxin Dao ancestor, the original power of gold and the original power of earth, everyone else just absorbed and merged with Yuanxin Dao ancestor the way.

In this way, Wukong and others entered a state of ecstasy, completely immersed in the illusory Tao.

Digression: I wish all readers a happy Dragon Boat Festival tomorrow and all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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