Chapter 459 After a Thousand Years ([-])

Time passed bit by bit, and Wukong and the others practiced like this in Xuanling Canyon for an unknown number of years.

"It's strange, why can't I prove the fruit position of the Dao? Now my own Hongmeng universe has evolved 130 continents, and the Hongmeng universe in the previous life has also opened up 130 gates. It is reasonable to initially reach the cultivation level of the late Dao. How is this?
What's going on?Could it be related to this Xuanling Canyon? " Wukong was puzzled.

So Wukong searched for the memory of his former source heart Tao ancestor that was fused in his mind. At this time, Wukong had completely integrated the remaining memories of the previous life, Tao and the power of the original source. Although this is only a small part of the previous life, it is also help goku to

And his Eucharist avatars and the third body, the Creation Eucharist, have improved several levels.

Especially Wukong's first body has improved quite quickly, and now he definitely has a cultivation base comparable to that of the late stage of the Dao, and an intermediate combat power in the late stage of the Dao. Realized the late stage of the Dao

, and bear such a huge force without bursting the body.

The other holy bodies and the third body, the Good Fortune Holy Body, stop integrating the Tao and the original power of the previous life to improve their own power after reaching the limit, but Wukong's first body seems to have no limit, until the Tao and the original source left over from the previous life The power is fully integrated before stopping

Stop practicing, in fact, not only Wukong's first body has not broken through the superficial realm, but other people are the same. They should have broken through the current cultivation realm long ago, but they haven't.

"So that's how it is. This Xuanling Canyon is a universe at the same level as the outside world's Grandmist Universe, so the emptiness of the outside world won't enter here and cast down a catastrophe, allowing us to pass the catastrophe and prove a higher level of fruition. Even breaking through a small level is not enough. Will not get external void rules

Although this universe is of the same level as the Primordial Universe, it is not complete after all. There is no complete rule of nothingness, and it is impossible to recognize us, so we cannot break through the cultivation realm when we came in. "Wukong knew the reason, if he knew the reason,
thought thoughtfully.

"But now I am more and more curious about this nine-turn Xuangong. Since I broke through to the third turn last time, my cultivation base has improved so much. This third turn has only broken through two small turns. Really Looking forward to it, if I can break through to the ninth turn, what should it be

Cultivation, could it be the legendary fruit position of nothingness, or even a higher unknown fruit position? "Wukong vaguely felt that there might be a higher fruit level above the nothingness level.

But this is just Wukong's conjecture. After all, his previous Yuanxin Dao ancestor didn't even prove the fruit position of the Dao of Nothingness, and he doesn't know if there is a higher fruit position above the fruit position of the Dao of Nothingness.

"It's time to go out and have a look." Then Wukong stood up and murmured, looking ahead.

"Wukong, you're awake." At this moment, Zixia's melodious voice came.
Wukong turned sideways and said with a smile: "Well, you have also finished your training."

"Well, yes, I don't know what's going on. I obviously feel that I should be able to break through, but I can't break through. I stopped practicing a long time ago. If I continue to absorb this primordial purple energy, I'm afraid it's because I can't bear such a huge the power of the Tao

People died. "Zixia pouted and said a little unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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