Chapter 460 After a Thousand Years ([-])

"It's the same with us. I don't know what's going on. Here we practice faster than in the death plain, but we can't break through. However, there is a limit to the strength that our body can bear. After reaching the limit, we will You can't practice anymore, otherwise it will be easy to perish, big brother, do you know what's going on?" Qi Yanfeng also complained, while Xuanxi and Dihuangtian nodded, indicating that they were the same.

"Hehe, it's because you can't get the approval of the law of nothingness here. As soon as you leave here, you will be drawn by the law of nothingness and break through the current realm." Wukong explained with a smile.

"Then if we go out now, won't we all break through immediately? If so, we will attract the attention of Tiandao Honghuang, and even the attention of the people behind him. Wukong, can we still go out?" Zixia said a little worried .

"Of course go out, why don't you go out? There are a few shading pills here, which can avoid the rules of nothingness. When you suppress your power, you won't be discovered by the rules of nothingness, and you won't break through immediately. Of course, in the prehistoric universe During this period of time, you can’t continue to practice. The most important thing now is to train your body. Only when your physical body is strong enough can you store more energy. Only in this way can you continue to practice during this time in the prehistoric universe. Practice." Wukong took out five pills and said to Zixia and the others.

"I'll listen to you, Wukong." Zixia said softly after taking the pill.

"En." The others also took the pill and nodded.

After Wukong and the others ate the Zhetian Pill and suppressed their power, they left Xuanling Canyon, leaving Wukong's holy body avatars and good fortune holy bodies to practice in Xuanling Canyon. of.

The next moment, Wukong and others appeared in the Thunder Sky Palace, no, it should not be the Thunder Sky Palace, it should be the ruins of the Thunder Sky Palace.

"Brother, they still made a move, it really is because of lack of greed!" Qi Yanfeng shook his head and said, looking at the ruined Leitian Palace in front of him.

"It seems that Beichen Palace has some achievements. It has been chasing that little guy Li Huanyang for 1000 years. That little guy actually left the Zishen plane for the fantasy world 600 years ago. He is a sixth-rank Golden Immortal, and he has made rapid progress under strong pressure, and he is worthy of being called the Profound Body of the Holy Immortal." Wukong calculated secretly, and he understood what happened in the Zishen plane in the past 1000 years.

1000 years have passed in the outside world, and 1000 years have passed in Xuanling Canyon. Wukong did not adjust the time ratio of the two universes. If Wukong wanted to, he could stay in Xuanling Canyon for 1 years. The outside world only passed a moment That's it, not only Wukong can do it, anyone who has his own universe can do it, and of course the time gap for those with low strength will be smaller.

Even if it is low, the powerhouses at the level of Heavenly Dao can adjust to stay in their own universe for trillions of years, and the outside world has only passed one year, but they generally do not do this. If you practice in a lower universe, no matter how long the training time is, it is better to practice in a higher universe for a while, unless your talent is so heaven-defying that you can feel the way of the higher universe in the lower universe Otherwise, generally no cultivator would be willing to spend a longer time cultivating in a lower universe.

(End of this chapter)

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