Chapter 461 Overreaching ([-])

Although the ascetics who have evolved universes above the Dao of Heaven have been able to connect to the Dao or the Supreme Dao and the Dao of Nothingness in the universe in which they were born, it stands to reason that at this time it should no longer be related to the talent for understanding Dao, but in the lower universe , those higher
The law of the Tao will not appear unless someone offends you. It will be difficult to realize it during cultivation. At this time, you still need to reach a certain level of understanding of the Tao. Compared with the standard before sanctification, it has improved


For example, if you were born in the Universe of Heavenly Dao, before you are a saint, you can realize the existence of the Law of Heavenly Dao if you have a hundred points of understanding of Tao, and then you can practice. the existence of the law, then
It takes ten thousand points, one million points, one billion points of understanding of Tao to comprehend it.

And if this person is a Dao sage or even a strong man of the Dao who came to the Dao universe, if he wants to understand the laws of the Dao in this Dao universe, he needs to understand the Dao to reach [-] points and a million points. The requirements for the stronger ones to come to the lower realm
It will be even higher. This is the rule of the Dao of Nothingness, and no one can change it. Therefore, no strong person in the higher universe is willing to practice in the lower universe.

Wukong's universe is at the same level as the Hongmeng universe. Although it is incomplete, cultivation in it is no worse than in the Hongmeng universe. However, since there is no complete rule of the Dao of Nothingness, ascetics can only absorb the Dao of Nothingness to improve their mana ,but

Boundaries cannot be broken through.

Laws and rules are different, the law is inherent, and the rules are formulated by the perfected Wudao. Of course, whether the Wudao is real or illusory, no monk knows, because so far no one has surpassed the Supreme Tao and reached the Supreme. the fruit of nothingness

Wukong can adjust the time ratio, but he doesn't want to do that, because in that case, the time of the prehistoric universe will not be long, and it will be too long before the real activation of the immeasurable calamity, so what Wukong adjusts is The time of the two universes is synchronized

Yes, and what Wukong needs is not to practice for a long time, but to fight. Wukong believes that only fighting is the best practice, so Wukong will not adjust the time to spend too much time meditating and practicing.

Then Wukong and the others flashed and disappeared in the territory of Leitian Xianmen. No, to be precise, it should be the territory of Beichen Palace, because Leitian Xianmen has disappeared from this world, and Yongfengzong has already disappeared. Disappeared in this world, today's Ray

Both Tianxianmen and Yongfengzong have been occupied by Beichen Palace.

It turned out that 900 years ago, Lei Tian Xianmen and Yongfengzong's strongmen launched their plan. At this time, there were more than a hundred first-level Xuanxian strongmen of the two major immortal sects, two second-level Xuanxians, and Jin Xuanxian. There are more than [-] immortals, so the two major immortal sects jointly launched
The formation of Lei Tian Xianmen is used against Wu Kong and others.

Although what Wukong stays here is only the energy bodies of several people transformed by mana, and they are all only the first-level cultivation realm of Xuanxian, but it is not something that practitioners of the two great immortals can kill casually. As soon as it came up, it was broken by Wukong's energy body,
Although it is an energy body, but there is a part of Wukong's knowledge, and Wukong still doesn't like this kind of formation, so of course it can be easily broken.

(End of this chapter)

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