Chapter 465 Overreaching (Part [-])
For example, the purity of the power of the stars contained in the star currency is only 50.00%, that of the planetary currency is 40.00%, and that of the star currency is as high as 50.00%. is quite big


Wukong can instantly extract the pure power of stars between heaven and earth and condense them into countless stars, but Wukong didn't do that, and he also prevented Zixia and others from doing that, because...
"Their entrance fee, Miss Ben will pay for them."

"I'll pay the entrance fee for them." At this moment, two voices sounded at the same time, one was a natural voice, as beautiful as a nightingale, it was a female voice, and the other was a magnetic male voice.

Turning around and looking, I saw a young woman in white clothes and a veil walking forward, followed by five men and two women, each of whom was an extraordinary person, and what they had passed At the place, the people on both sides automatically get out of the way, obviously the woman

The voice was this veiled woman.

The owner of another male voice is on the left of Wukong at this time. He also walked towards Wukong before. This person is Li Huanyang who was hunted down in the Zishen plane earlier, but he doesn't know Wukong and others. It is said that Wukong and others have changed their appearance again at this time.
If he didn't change his appearance again, Li Huanyang didn't know him either, because Li Huanyang didn't see Wukong and others blocking the cultivator who chased and killed Li Huanyang.

The reason why he changed his appearance again now was because he didn't want to be suspected by the prehistoric world.

"You want to pay for them to enter the city?" The guard asked suspiciously. He didn't expect that two groups of people would come out and pay for Wukong and others.

"That's right." "Yes." Li Huanyang and the mysterious woman replied at the same time, and then they looked at each other without saying anything.

"Which one of you will pay the entry fee for them?" the guard said impatiently.

"I, Brother Yifeng, give them five hundred star coins." The mysterious woman said to a young man next to her.

"Let me give it to you." Before the young man named Yifeng could answer, Li Huanyang took out five hundred star coins and handed them to the guard.

"Boy, you." Yifeng said angrily when he saw that Li Huanyang paid the entrance fee first, he would not allow others to interfere with their young lady's good deeds.

In the past, when their ladies did good deeds, it was some dude who rushed to curry favor with their ladies, and went to do good deeds. Yifeng has always been disgusted with those people. Now Li Huanyang is the first to pay the entrance fee for Wukong and others. Coupled with Li Huanyang's handsome appearance, because of
This Yifeng regarded Li Huanyang as that kind of person, so he spoke angrily.

"Brother Yifeng, forget it, it's all about helping others, and it doesn't matter if I don't pay for it." The mysterious woman didn't know what Yifeng was thinking, but thought that Yifeng was angry because Li Huanyang took away her chance to do good things , so the mysterious woman persuaded.

"Yes, miss." Yifeng had no choice but to say no more, although the mysterious woman called him senior brother, he didn't dare to call the mysterious woman junior sister.

"Miss, you guys like to help people so much, you might as well pay our entry fee, haha." At this moment, a molesting voice sounded.

"That's right, that's right, let's also pay our entry fee." As soon as this person said, other people immediately agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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