Chapter 466 Overreaching ([-])
"Ah!" the mysterious woman cried softly, a little at a loss, she helped Wukong and others because Wukong and others did not have Star Coins, and these people obviously took advantage of the opportunity.

Although her thoughts are too simple and her character is kind, she can still see this, so she doesn't know what to do for a while.

"Hmph." Immediately, a strong coercion emanated from a young woman beside the mysterious woman.

In an instant, those cultivators who made a fuss felt a strong coercion on themselves, making them unable to move. They were immediately too frightened to make any more noise, and at the same time someone exclaimed: "Xuanxian, the strong Xuanxian!" .”

Except for Wukong and others and Li Huanyang, everyone else present was at the level of golden immortals and heavenly immortals, especially those cultivators who were booing. After the coercion of the pressure, the complicated feelings of despair, fear, regret, etc.
Emotions linger.

"Don't make trouble here." The guard immediately shouted, although he is only a third-rank golden immortal, but this is the gate of the fantasy city. There are troubles within a hundred miles around, he is the south of the fantasy world city
The chief guard of the gate must come forward to stop it.

"Hmph, the little Xuanxian dares to make trouble here, even if the immortal master came, he wouldn't dare to make trouble here easily." The guard chief snorted coldly in his heart.

There are only a handful of powerhouses in the realm of Immortal Venerables in the entire Chiyan Star Alliance, and there is a strong Immortal Venerable in the Huanshizong, and because of this, no one under the Immortal Venerable ignores the rules of the Huanshi City and makes trouble in and around the Huanshicheng , and which one of those immortal-level powerhouses

It's not a big man with a head and a face, let alone lower his status to make trouble here.

There are very few strong immortals in the Chiyan Star Alliance. From this, it can be seen that if the pills that Beichen Palace received from Wukong can cultivate one or two strong immortals, what will be the status of Beichen Palace?Of course they need to use up those elixir completely

Only by cultivating one or two people can we have this hope. After all, it is not so easy to achieve immortality. Many geniuses are stuck at the peak of Xuanxian and cannot break through.

In this abandoned world, immortals are the pinnacle powerhouses, and quasi-sages belong to the existence of legends. As for saints, few people know about them.

The magic pill has such an effect, so what about the holy pill?There are also higher-level chaotic elixir, Hongmeng elixir, how can the effect be against the sky?Of course, there is also the legendary Dao Pill. Since the formation of the Hongmeng Universe, a Dao Pill has been born after countless years.

"Which eye do you see that we are causing trouble?" The young woman glanced at the head guard lightly, not paying attention to him at all.

The chief guard was stared at by the young woman, and immediately felt a little guilty, but he thought about the backing of the Huanshizong and Huanshicheng rules behind him, and immediately puffed up his chest and said: "What do you want? I said you caused trouble, You're making trouble, dare to stand at the gate of Fantasy City
Make trouble, I think you don't want to live anymore. "

"My lord, it's none of our business! We didn't intend to cause trouble!" Before the young woman could say anything, those cultivators who had originally made a fuss thought of the regulations of the Fantasy City, and immediately knelt down in fright and begged for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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