Chapter 476 Auction Disturbance ([-])
Then Wukong straightened his face and waved his right hand lightly. Suddenly, an invisible air flow cut through the space and directly reached the old man in green robe and the middle-aged man in gold robe. Come on, the two of you can't come at all

And dodge, so the two had to use their skills to resist.

"Bang, bang." Two collisions sounded.

"Puff." The two spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and then flew backwards, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this strange situation, except for Wukong and the other five people present, everyone's eyes widened in shock, looking at this sudden and shocking scene in disbelief.

"Gudong." Someone swallowed, completely stunned watching all this.

But Leng Xiaoyi and the others were so frightened that they trembled all over and did not dare to move. Only then did they realize that they had offended a big shot who shouldn't be offended.

"Quasi-sage powerhouse? No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible." Aunt Mei was the most surprised at this time, because with her strength, she didn't see how Wukong managed to defeat the two immortal powerhouses of the Illusory World Sect. To blow away.

Like everyone else, she only saw Wukong waving his hand, and didn't feel the energy fluctuations and space vibrations at all, how could this not shock her.

"Boy, I will give you a small punishment today, learn to be smarter in the future, and the three of you, don't mess around with others in the future, otherwise you will not be so lucky next time, just get hurt." After finishing speaking, Qin Batian fell to the ground, fainting


Then Wukong turned to the mysterious woman and said: "Thank you for your generosity just now, this is considered as a repayment to you, and you boy, if you encounter a life-or-death crisis in the future, you can crush this jade talisman, it can save your life , can be regarded as repaying your generosity

The favor of the bag. "

Wukong spread his right hand, and a jade talisman manifested, and then flew towards Li Huanyang, Li Huanyang put away the jade talisman without any pretense, and thanked him with fists: "Thank you, senior, I still don't know how to call senior." .”

From Wukong's method just now, with a light wave of his hand, the two immortal powerhouses disappeared. It can be seen that Wukong is a super strong man, so Li Huanyang didn't dare to push him too hard, so he said politely.

"The name is just a code name. We will only meet again if we are destined." Wukong said inscrutablely, and then led Zixia and others to the city.

"Wait, Your Excellency, we didn't help you with anything. It was this little brother who gave you a generous gift just now. We owe you a kindness today. I hope you can tell me the name. We can repay you in the future." When walking a few steps, Aunt Mei
shouted suddenly.

"As long as you have the heart, it's all right. The result is not important. The process is the same. I still say that the name is just a code name. If there is a destiny, we will meet again." Wukong said without turning his head.

"Your Excellency." Aunt Mei was about to say something more, but Wukong and the others had already entered the fantasy city with a step of ten meters. The guards were already frightened, so of course they didn't dare to stop them, and they didn't have the guts to stop them.

"Princess, let's catch up quickly. I can't see through this person at all. He may be a quasi-sage strongman. Even if he is not, he is also a strong man at the peak of Xuanxian. The four people behind him are just like him on the surface. Xiuwei.

(End of this chapter)

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