Chapter 477 Auction Disturbance ([-])
It is estimated that he is hiding his strength just like him. If we can win them over, my emperor must be very happy. "Aunt Mei sent a voice transmission to the mysterious woman.

"Quasi-saint powerhouse? There are only a few quasi-saint powerhouses in the Endless Star Field and the Sacred Heaven Realm. Who are they? Aunt Mei, you should know better than me. I think he may be the powerhouse at the peak of Xuanxian. If you can win over, father will definitely be happy, hehe, then I

They hurried to catch up. "The mysterious masked woman happily transmitted voice.

"Let's go in." Aunt Mei instructed the others.

But after everyone went in, they found that Wukong and others were nowhere to be seen.

"Why did it disappear so soon?" the mysterious woman said anxiously.

"Miss, don't worry, as long as they are still in this city, we still have a chance to see them, let's go find a place to rest first, don't forget, we still have business to do, the Magic World Chamber of Commerce will meet in two days The auction is going to be held." Aunt Mei is not the rumor at this time.
Voice, so they didn't call the mysterious woman princess. After all, they came here in a low-key manner and didn't want to reveal their identities.

Just now, Yifeng and Lingqing didn't stop them from attacking Leng Xiaoyi and the others. It wasn't because they were high-profile, but because they were high-ranking people from that place. How could they tolerate a few young people dominating them? A small punishment is necessary, even if it leads to a fantasy world
They are not afraid of the strongest members of the sect, and they will not expose their identities because of this, so Aunt Mei did not stop Yifeng and Lingqing from doing what they did.

At this time, Wukong and others appeared in front of a simple and tall palace, on which there was a sign with four golden characters written in bold strokes: Fantasy World Chamber of Commerce.

Entering the Fantasy Chamber of Commerce is like entering another space. The inside looks much bigger than it looks from the outside. There are people everywhere, at least 10 people, but the hall of the Chamber of Commerce is not crowded at all, Wukong Wait for someone to walk into a counter.

"Welcome to the Magic World Chamber of Commerce, do you guys need any help?" A young girl in green at the counter asked with a smile on her face.

"I need auction items." Wukong said.

"Then, what do you want to auction, my lord?" the green-clothed girl asked with a smile.

"Pillion." Wukong took out an exquisite box, put it on the counter, and said lightly.

Just looking at this box, you can tell that it is not an ordinary thing, because this box is made of Qingxuan wood, Qingxuan wood is the best god wood (the grading of Honghuang universe stone and wood is similar to that of elixir, they are all divided into immortal level, god level level, holy level, each level is divided into
Low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and extreme grade), and the appearance is exquisite, the Qingxuan wooden box alone is worth a lot of money, so it can be seen that the elixir inside is definitely not simple. 
This Qingxuan wooden box was obtained by Wukong from the Taishang Laojun when he was making troubles in the Heavenly Palace. One hundred top-grade pills taken out from Xuanling Canyon, on the
The efficacy of the medicine is definitely not much worse than the low-grade holy pill of the primordial universe.

"Ah, this is a wooden box made of the top-grade sacred wood Qingxuan wood. Could it be that the elixir inside is the legendary holy elixir?" After all, the girl in green clothes has been in the Illusory World Chamber of Commerce for more than a hundred years, and she is also knowledgeable. It can be seen that this wooden box exuding a faint blue light is a top-grade god.

Caused by Muqingxuanmu.

(End of this chapter)

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