Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 478 Auction Disturbance

Chapter 478 Auction Storm ([-])
Although the girl in green clothes didn't say much, everyone present was a cultivator. Even though the place was very noisy, there were still many people nearby who heard what the girl in green clothes said, especially 'Qingxuanmu' and 'Holy Grass'. Dan' the two words.

Immediately, the people nearby stopped what they were doing and looked towards Wukong in unison.

"It's not a holy pill, but it's about the same." Wukong said flatly, unaffected by the gazes of the people around him.

"Almost? Then please follow me to the VIP room inside. You need to wait for a while. I need to find the elixir appraiser of this chamber of commerce for appraisal. This is a procedure that our chamber of commerce must go through." Green Clothes The girl was very shocked at this time, if she really

If it is a elixir similar to the Holy Pill, the elders of the Chamber of Commerce must be notified.

After all, the Holy Pill is a legendary elixir. No one in the entire Chiyan Star Alliance can refine the Holy Pill. Even if it is the best divine pill, no one can refine it. The god pill is not bad, take out such a valuable item

Can the auctioneer be a simple person?Therefore, they must be entertained by the elders of their chamber of commerce, the president, and even the people behind the fantasy world sect. Such a big man cannot be neglected.

"Well, lead the way." Wukong nodded.

"Several, this way please." The green-clothed girl walked out of the counter and made a gesture of invitation, and then Wukong and others followed the green-clothed girl into the hall.

"I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhao Xuekui. I don't know how to call you?" Zhao Xuekui said while walking.

"Well, you can just call me Mr. Sun." In order to avoid the detection of Hong Huang Tian Dao, Wu Kong did not say his name.

"Call me Miss Zi'er." Zixia didn't say her name either.

"Qi Yanfeng." "Xuanxi." "Emperor Heaven." The three of Qi Yanfeng were nothing, they were not from the prehistoric universe, and the prehistoric heaven didn't know them at all.

"En." Zhao Xuekui nodded politely.

Not long after, several people came to a VIP room.

"Guests, please wait a moment, I'll come as soon as I go." Zhao Xuekui led Wukong and others into the VIP room and left.

Then two young girls came in with tea and fairy fruit.

"Guests, please take your time." The two girls said very politely, and then left, while Wukong and others sat on the thousand-year-old purple jade chair inside and waited.

Time passed by little by little, about two cups of tea, the door of the VIP room opened, at this time four people came in from outside, including Zhao Xuekui who had just left, the other three were an old man in purple robes, and a middle-aged man in brocade clothes. The middle-aged man and a blue-robed middle-aged man.

Seeing a few people coming in, Wukong and the others didn't have the slightest intention of getting up to say hello, but continued to sit there slowly drinking tea and meditating.

"Several distinguished guests, this is President Nangong of our Fantasy Chamber of Commerce, this is Vice President Li of our Fantasy World Chamber of Commerce, and this is Elder Baili, President, and Vice President of our Fantasy World Chamber of Commerce, Elder, these are Mr. Sun, Miss Zi'er, Mr. Qi Yanfeng, Mr. Xuanxixuan, and Mr. Emperor Tiandi." Zhao Xuekui introduced them one by one after entering.

"Well, how is it? There should be nothing wrong with the pill, right?" Wukong nodded slightly and smiled, greeting President Nangong and others.

(End of this chapter)

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