Chapter 483 Auction Storm ([-])
Some items will not be made public in advance before the items are auctioned in the Magic World Auction, including some rare treasures, as well as some ordinary items. words, for

Ordinary cultivators are not ordinary items.

After all, the items that can be auctioned at the headquarters of the Magic World Chamber of Commerce are all valuable items. The cheapest ones need to spend a lot of Chenxing coins to buy them. Generally, the most expensive items announced by the Fantasy World Chamber of Commerce in advance are the most attractive to all cultivators. Items are also only fifth to last
The tenth item to be auctioned, and the last five items will be known to everyone at the auction, which will attract more powerful people to Taobao.

"Presumably everyone has already guessed that the items in this auction must be very precious items when they saw me coming up. Yes, this auction will be the most brilliant and successful auction of the Chamber of Commerce since its inception. The finale is definitely not what everyone can imagine

Yes, therefore, if the suzerains, patriarchs, and all the powerhouses don’t have enough star coins, you can immediately contact your respective forces to send people to send enough star coins, or if you don’t have enough star coins by then, Then no one else is to blame, maybe you
They will regret it for life. "After Elder Baili came to the stage, he immediately delivered a speech with high spirits. After saying a few words, he stopped his speech, and then watched everyone's reaction with a smile.

"Phew, the most brilliant and most successful auction since the establishment of the Magic World Chamber of Commerce. Could it be that the rumor is true, that the grandson took out the legendary holy pill?"

"Hurry up, tell Elder Liu to send 100 billion star coins over here."

"Contact Elder Zhang and send 1000 million planetary coins over."

"Don't be in a hurry, everyone, I still have something to say." Elder Baili waved his hand and said, after everyone quieted down, Elder Baili continued: "What I can tell you now is the most precious high-grade product announced earlier. Artifact Chiyang Knife, in this auction

The above are only No. 20 items that need to be auctioned. Well, I don’t need to say more about the rules of the auction. In short, the highest bidder wins. The next auction will start. "

"Phew! The top-grade artifact, the Chiyang Knife, is only No. 20 from the bottom six? Hurry up, tell the elders to bring all their savings." As soon as Elder Baili finished speaking, the crowd below became even more noisy.

"From this point of view, the Holy Pill will definitely appear, and the Holy Pill must be mine."

"Hmph, I am absolutely determined to get the Holy Pill. With this Holy Pill, it will definitely help me break through the current realm. This time, I didn't come in vain."
Before the auction officially started, the atmosphere reached a climax. Elder Baili watched everyone's reactions with satisfaction.

"Now everyone, please take a look at the first auction item, the low-grade god-level metal Xuanhun iron. This fist-sized piece of Xuanhun iron has a lifespan of more than 30 years. The starting price is 30 star coins. For [-] star coins." Elder Baili uncovered the first

said the auction item.

"31." Immediately after Elder Baili finished speaking, someone bid.


"85." Xuanhun Iron was finally bought by a middle-aged man sitting in the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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