Chapter 484 Auction Storm ([-])
Then the second, third, and fourth auction items were brought up in turn, and were auctioned off.

"Wukong, we don't need the currency of this universe. Why are we auctioning off the pills here? And we appeared so high-profile near them, why did you still exert the power of the peak of the immortal, what should you do if Hong Huang noticed it?" Zixia has always wanted

Ask Wukong.

It’s just that after Wukong entered the Fantasy City, he went directly to the Fantasy Chamber of Commerce, and then went directly to the Fantasy Pavilion, and then rented five sets of houses. After two days, several people did not meet and communicate, and there was no chance to ask Wukong. Now he is here , Zixia had the opportunity to ask Wukong.

At this time, the VIP room where Wukong and others are located has been restricted by Wukong, and Honghuang Tiandao will not notice it. Even if he notices Wukong and others, he only sees Wukong and others under the viewer in the VIP room. As for Wukong and others will not hear the dialogue
Yes, this VIP room was also set up by Wukong.

"Don't worry, Honghuang won't notice us. I just showed the strength of the general peak of the immortal venerable before. There are so many cultivators at the peak of the immortal venerable in the entire Honghuang universe. This will not attract Honghuang's attention. If I use the power of Xuanxian level

If you defeat them easily, then it is possible to attract Honghuang's attention, so you don't have to worry about this.As for the pills I am auctioning here, it is because I want to buy an item. As for what it is, I don’t know, but I feel that there is an item here

I have to buy it. " Wukong explained with a smile.

In fact, don't say that the current Wukong can easily defeat the first-level cultivator of the immortal venerable only by using the magic power of the Xuanxian level. , back then Wukong made a big fuss with his immortal body

Although the Heavenly Court did not send out quasi-sage-level powerhouses for some reason, there were many immortal-level powerhouses, but they still lost to Wukong alone, and even Duobao Tathagata, who was the quasi-sage-killing two corpses back then, made a move. , but also with a lot of tricks and tricks
The one who pushed Wukong down under the Five Elements Mountain, Wukong's combat power is very against the sky.

"Wukong, what is it? Is there such a good treasure here?" Wukong asked curiously, blinking his diamond-like eyes and tilting his head.

"Brother, is there any good treasure here? Why didn't I find it?" Qi Yanfeng swept it out instantly with his spiritual sense, but found nothing.

Xuanxi and Dihuangtian looked at Wukong with the same doubts.

"Hehe, you will find out later, keep it secret for now." Wukong pretended to be mysterious and said.

"Hmph, I hate it, it arouses people's curiosity, but it also whets people's appetite." Zixia said angrily.

"Haha." Wukong just smiled and stopped talking, and then everyone continued to watch the ongoing auction outside.

Time gradually passed, and more than 40 items were auctioned in less than half a day. At this time, the elder Baili said loudly: "The next thing to be auctioned is a strange bead. The grade cannot be identified, and the name is unknown. , this bead is so hard that the consciousness cannot

Exploring, as for the function, it can quickly heal the soul and soul in a short period of time. The starting price is 20 star coins, and each price increase is at least [-] star coins. "

(End of this chapter)

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