Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 496 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 496 The ten-year agreement ([-])
"Roar!" "Ow!" "Clang!" "Hiss!" "Roar!"

At this moment, the green dragon chants, the white tiger roars, the rose bird cries, the Xuanwu hisses, the unicorn roars, and the five holy beasts transform into their own bodies and roar out.

I saw the five holy beasts of Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, Suzaku and Jinqilin hanging in the sky around them.

As soon as the five holy beasts appeared, the huge aura made countless fairy beasts in the Qinghen Mountains so frightened that they prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to move.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Xiaohong, Xiaolu, Xiaojin, come back to me, don't mess around." Ling Yuchen yelled at the five holy beasts, and then said to Wukong: "Who is your Excellency? Are you Taoist Patriarch Hongjun?"

The five holy beasts were scolded by Ling Yuchen, and immediately flew behind Ling Yuchen, but still looked at Wukong and others warily.

"I'm not Hongjun. Let me ask you another question. Why did you buy this black bead?" Wukong said to Ling Yuchen holding the black bead. Discovered by Hong Huang.

"You're not Hongjun, how could you discover my secrets? You still call God Pangu a fellow Taoist?" Ling Yuchen said neither humble nor overbearing.

"You don't need to know who I am now, you just need to answer me, is there a mysterious power on this black bead calling you?" Wukong didn't answer Ling Yuchen's question, but continued to ask.
"Hmph, if you didn't tell me the question I asked, why would you ask me to answer your question? If you want to know the answer, you have to pay the price." Ling Yuchen was startled at first, but quickly reacted and tried to blackmail Wukong.

"Haha, I already know the answer. We will meet again if we are destined. I have been to this place on earth before, so we are destined. This ring is given to you as a meeting gift. I hope that next time we meet, you have already proved to be a saint." It's fruitful." As soon as he finished speaking,

The figures of Wukong and others gradually blurred, and then disappeared. At the same time, a golden ring exuding a simple atmosphere appeared in front of Ling Yuchen, hanging in midair.

Wukong observed the words and expressions. Just now, Ling Yuchen's expression fell into Wukong's eyes, so Wukong also knew the answer. Although Wukong can read minds, but Wukong didn't do that, which can be regarded as a face for Pangu. After all, Ling Yuchen is Pangu. Chosen one.

"Boss." The five holy beasts called out behind Ling Yuchen.

Ling Yuchen waved his hand, didn't speak, then took the golden ring in his hand, and poked into his consciousness to watch it. After watching it, Ling Yuchen was shocked and said in disbelief: "There are hundreds of millions of top-grade holy pills. And the feeling that this top grade holy pill gives me
It is definitely much stronger than the top-grade holy pill I got before. Even if the grade is the same, the medicinal effect is definitely thousands or even ten thousand times stronger. , who are they? "

When the five holy beasts behind heard Ling Yuchen's exclamation, they couldn't help but look at each other, and each saw complex emotions such as surprise, doubt, and fear in each other's eyes.

Leaving aside the shock of Ling Yuchen and the others, Wukong and the others had already left the Endless Star Field and returned to the sky above Huaguo Mountain. 
"Wukong, are we really going to the source world?" Zixia asked Wukong in confusion. Just now on the road, Wukong told everyone to go to the source world.

(End of this chapter)

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