Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 497 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 497 The ten-year agreement ([-])
"That's right, now we must increase our strength as soon as possible, and our strength is too weak now." Wukong nodded.

After Wukong fused all the memories of his previous Yuanxin Daozu, Wukong knew that he had to hurry up to practice, because that existence had obtained the Dao Pill hundreds of millions of years ago. It should be refined by that existence, now

It has not yet been refined, which means that Dao Dan is not so easy to refine. After he finishes refining, if he does not reach the state to compete with it, then his own death will arrive.

When that existence is refined, he will definitely be able to prove the legendary nihility dao status, then by that time, he will definitely be able to find the current location of the source world, not only can he not escape, but also all beings in the source world cannot escape .

So Wukong must not continue to spend here anymore, he must go to the source world to seek a breakthrough, the things here are basically settled, everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged, and it is almost time to launch the immeasurable calamity, but that is also time problem, wait until then

It's not too late, the most important thing now is to go to the source world to increase your strength.

"But before that, I have one more thing to do." Wukong said immediately.

Qinmeng universe, in a secret room deep in the Warcraft Mountains of the God of War Realm in the upper realm of magic civilization.

There is no one in the secret room, but there is a golden bead that exudes golden light suspended in mid-air. Since Wukong used the Holy Spirit Bead to separate the Golden Law Holy Body, the Holy Spirit Bead was unsealed and changed from green to original. Golden.

Suddenly, the surrounding space gradually distorted, and six figures gradually manifested. These six people are Wukong's Mieshishengji, Yunxuanling, Zhuge Huanyu, Shangguan Ruoxi, Tang Huanxing, and Wukong's disciple Kakarot .

Ten years ago, the subordinates Wukong sent to unify the upper realm of scientific and technological civilization and the upper realm of biological civilization did not encounter much obstacles. They easily unified the two upper realms of civilization. Ye Mingxuan not only did not stop
Instead, all the Saiyans in the upper realm of biological civilization took refuge in the "Hongmeng". Kakarot, who had already been shaped at that time, followed Robert and his party who were going to unify to the Great Saint Palace in the God of War Realm, and entered The Chamber of Secrets practiced with Wukong and others.

The time of the prehistoric universe and the Qinmeng universe is different. Although the prehistoric universe has passed more than a thousand years, the Qinmeng universe has only passed ten years. In these ten years, no force in the holy world has launched a war against Wukong's primordial origin. The year passed peacefully.

Today, ten years ago, many strong men from the holy world suddenly came to the God of War Realm. Although a large number of strong men came, they did not make trouble. The legendary five great emperors and others
Some holy emperors also came to the God of War Realm.

The arrival of the powerful men in the God of War Realm immediately caused panic among some people in the God of War Realm. Just as Wukong and the others came out, Robert and the others happened to come to report.

"Report to the Great Holy Lord, there is an urgent matter to report." Robert and others shouted outside the secret room.

"I know it all, you all go back first." Wukong's voice came from inside.

"Of order, the Great Holy Lord, I'll take my leave now." Robert left respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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