Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 498 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 498 The ten-year agreement ([-])
"The ten-year agreement has come, second brother, you also go with me, and settle the matter here, so that we can go to the source world." Wukong said to the few people beside him.

"Okay." Zhuge Huanyu said with a smile.

"Brother Wukong, are we not going to the Holy Realm? Why are we going to the Source Realm now? After all, my strength is stronger than the controller of this universe. I haven't played to my heart's content yet. Going to the place where there are countless strong people so soon Source world!?" Yun Xuanling pulled his face in frustration

"You also said that your current strength has surpassed the controller of this universe, so what are we still doing here? There are countless powerful people in the source world, and countless opportunities, which can improve your strength very well. It won't take long to find us, if

If we don't quickly increase our strength and remain content with the status quo, then our end will be to completely disappear among these countless universes. "Wukong taught.

When practicing in the Holy Spirit Bead, Wukong mentioned that existence to Zhuge Huanyu and others, so everyone knew the seriousness of the situation. dangerous

Higher, more opportunities to practice in the source world.

"Okay!" Yun Xuanling could only compromise.

Then Wukong and the others disappeared in the secret room in a flash, and appeared on the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains the next moment.

After more than 520 million years of cultivation in the Holy Spirit Bead, Wukong and others have reached a very high level, especially Wukong and Zhuge Huanyu.

As mentioned earlier, the time ratio between the outside world and the Holy Spirit Pearl is the time for a cup of tea outside. Nearly five years have passed in the Holy Spirit Pearl. This book sets a cup of tea to about 5 minutes, and the ratio is 1:525600, that is, One year has passed outside, but five years have passed inside the Holy Spirit Orb.
More than 12 years, then the outside world has passed a full ten years.

Ze Wukong and others have cultivated in the Holy Spirit Bead for more than 520 million years. For such a long time, plus it can absorb a large amount of aura from the outside world and condense it into a very rich and high-quality aura. Therefore, the more than 500 million year, Wukong et al.

During cultivation, he made rapid progress. As for Wukong's golden law holy body, he absorbed the power of golden law inside, and his strength also improved by leaps and bounds.

At this time, a large number of powerhouses gathered around the Warcraft Mountains, including the five great emperors, but they all watched from a distance of thousands of miles away from the Warcraft Mountains, and the closest to the Warcraft Mountains was the Twelve Days Battle with Wukong Holy, those strong men also come to watch ten

As for the battle between the two heavenly saints and Wukong, it is not known whether the Tianfo emperor among the five holy emperors is purely for watching the battle between the twelve heavenly saints and Wukong.

"You guys came quite early!" Wukong said to Ye Jietian and his group as soon as he showed up.

"It's not too early, it's just a little bit earlier than you, the ten-year agreement has arrived, are you ready?" Ye Litian said flatly.

"No problem at all." Wukong shrugged, and then Wukong stepped forward into the void, while Zhuge Huanyu and others remained in place.

"Okay then, let me show you your skills first, and you all step down first." The twelve heavenly saints are all geniuses, monster-level geniuses, of course they would not be willing to besiege Wukong, after all, in their eyes, Goku is definitely no match for any of them
, although their master said that, but their arrogance made them unwilling to believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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