Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 499 Lord of Primordial Mist

Chapter 499 Lord of Primordial Mist ([-])
But believe it or not, they will not underestimate the enemy, even if the opponent is much weaker than them, they will not underestimate the enemy, so Ye Litian, who is the head of the twelve heavenly saints, went to fight in person.

"You should go up together, put on the big formation you are proud of, and let me see how well that kid Mieshi trains you?" Wukong said with a smile.

"Bold, you dare to call our teacher by his name." Before Ye Jietian could speak, Xiong Zhanmo, the Ninth of the Twelve Heavenly Saints behind him, yelled loudly.

After speaking, Xiong Zhanmo was about to step forward to fight Wukong, but was stopped by Ye Jietian: "Zhanmo, don't make mistakes."

Then Ye Jietian said to Wukong again: "I understand, set up the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Subduing Demon Formation."

With Ye Litian yelling, the Twelve Heavenly Saints immediately surrounded Wukong, and quickly formed seals with their hands. In an instant, the sky was dark and the sky was howling. Everyone in Hongmeng has felt this celestial anomaly

Most of the overwhelming coercion retreated to the rear, and only a few stayed in place to watch, especially the nearest Zhuge Huanyu and the others who were not affected at all.

"It's actually the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Subduing Formation. Is this kid so powerful? Why did they put up this formation as soon as they came up?" The five great saint emperors knew the power of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Subduing Demon Formation formed by the Twelve Heavenly Saints. They, let alone alone, are broken
Without this large formation, even if all five of them join forces, they may not be able to break through. This shows how powerful this formation is.

At this time, Wukong is completely in a strange space with countless stars, countless thunder and lightning, countless fire dragons, countless swords and countless ghosts.

The power carried by these stars, thunder and lightning, fire dragons, swords and wraiths is to hit a strong man of the holy emperor level, and the strong holy emperor will also be injured. Hit, also disappeared in an instant.

However, these are simply pediatrics for the current Wukong. With a wave of Wukong's big hand, all kinds of attacks are disintegrated and annihilated in an instant, but this is not over yet. actually saw it

All the scenes of going to Huaguo Mountain, such as proclaiming kings and sages, making troubles in the heavenly palace, learning Buddhist scriptures from the west, etc., are all vivid in my mind.

Ordinary cultivators have long been confused by the illusion here, lost their way since then, and will never be able to get out of this illusion. However, Wukong's determination is so firm, and Wukong's eyes burst out with two dazzling golden rays of light. The illusion dissipates, and then
The strange space disappeared, and Wukong appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, the Twelve Heavenly Saints vomited blood one after another, looked at Wukong with horror on their faces, as if they were looking at a monster, and kept chanting: "Impossible, impossible."

They didn't expect that Wukong would be so powerful in just ten years, that he could break the nine-day and ten-earth demon-subduing formation that they jointly set up, and broke it so easily, which made the monster-level genius of which they cannot accept.

"The Great Holy Father is invincible, the Great Holy Father is invincible." The hundreds of millions of "Hongmeng" people on the Warcraft Mountains immediately cheered loudly when they saw this scene.

Hundreds of millions of cultivators shouted in unison, the momentum was extremely huge, shaking the sky and the earth, and had a far-reaching impact.

(End of this chapter)

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