Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 506 The Mystery of the Earth

Chapter 506 The Mystery of the Earth ([-])
Wukong knew Baigujing and Bai Jingjing before causing trouble in Tiangong. At that time, Bai Jingjing was just a little girl who worshiped Wukong very much. She often followed Wukong and pestered Wukong to teach her skills. Another reason was that she was in the prehistoric universe. Zixia is in

During this period of time, Bai Jingjing from the Great Desolate Universe was accepted as his disciple. Although the Bai Jingjing in this place was not the Bai Jingjing she knew, Wukong did not avoid her either.

"Hehe, how do you want me to save you?" Wukong said to Bai Jingjing with a smile.

Seeing Wukong's kind smile, Bai Jingjing suddenly felt that this person could definitely help him, and at the same time seeing Wukong's handsome face, Bai Jingjing's face flushed instantly, so Bai Jingjing immediately lowered her head and said in a low voice: "There are bad guys chasing me, can you help

Help me fight them off. "

"Then what good will it do for me to help you?" Wukong still said with a smile.

"I, my sister is Mrs. Bone Bone, the big monster of the Yaozu. My sister loves me the most. If you can help me, my sister will definitely give you a lot of benefits." Bai Jingjing was afraid that Wukong would not help him, so she immediately sent her own Said his identity, and watched nervously
Wukong looks extremely cute.

"Okay, I'll help you." Wukong said affirmatively, seeing Wukong's firm eyes, Bai Jingjing nodded unconsciously.

"Monster, where are you going? Are you still going to catch him?" At this moment, dozens of figures flew from a distance to a nearby place, stopped ten meters above Wukong, looked down at Bai Jingjing and said, completely ignoring Bai Jingjing. Goku exists.

"Let me stay away from this place within three numbers of you, or you will bear the consequences." Wukong didn't even notice anyone, so he issued the expulsion order coldly.

"Hahahaha, boy, I think you have lived enough. I want to see how you let us take the consequences? Hahahaha." The leader of the young man in black laughed wildly, completely ignoring Wukong. in the eyes.

"Young master, this guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, let the subordinates deal with him! I will make him regret offending you, master, hehe." A middle-aged man with a scar on his face beside the young man in black hurriedly asked The young man in black said flatteringly.

"Okay, Yan Yi, you go and deal with him to this young master, remember, let him die 'quietly'." The young man in brocade clothes said with an evil smile.

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely let him die 'quickly'." As if Wukong was already a dead person in his eyes, he agreed with a sly smile without even looking at Wukong.

Bai Jingjing below heard the conversation of several people, trembling with fright, she turned pale and said to Wukong: "You, can you beat them? If you can't beat them, you can run away and leave me alone."
Bai Jingjing was a little worried at this time, worried that Wukong would not be their opponent, and not only would her life be worse than death, but Wukong would also be brutally killed by the opponent. This is not what Bai Jingjing wants to see. life,
This shows that Bai Jingjing is kind-hearted.

Of course Wukong understood Bai Jingjing's thoughts, so Wukong said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can definitely defeat them."

Wukong's smile and affirmative answer made Bai Jingjing choose to believe in Wukong. Although she didn't know why she believed in this stranger whom she met for the first time, her intuition told her to trust this person in front of her. This person could definitely save her. of

His face turned from pale to reddish, and then Bai Jingjing nodded, expressing her trust in Wukong.

(End of this chapter)

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