Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 507 The Mystery of the Earth

Chapter 507 The Mystery of the Earth ([-])
At this time, Yan Yi walked towards Wukong step by step from the void, like walking on a ladder, and said with a wicked smile: "Boy, let your grandpa Yan 'serve' you well, and let you know how to take care of yourself." Idle things don't end well, ah~"

As soon as Yan Yi finished speaking, he let out a miserable roar, which made people feel mortified. At the same time, he saw a gray flame emanating from Yan Yi's body. Yan Yi's body was not damaged at all, but he let out a heart-piercing scream. screamed, then fell to the ground and rolled continuously


"You, what kind of magic did you use?" The young man in Jinyi asked Wukong in horror when he saw this scene. He knew Yan Yi's strength. He was a strong man in the early Yuanying stage, not much worse than him, and he I didn't see Wukong make a move at all just now.
There are two explanations, one is that the opponent used some powerful magic weapon to assassinate Yan Yi, and the other is that the opponent's strength is far superior to them.

"You can't take back what you say. You have to be responsible for what you say. He is a good example. If you dare to call your grandpa in front of your grandpa, there is only one end. I have given you a chance, yes Don't cherish yourselves." Wukong

Turning around slowly, he said calmly to the young man in Jinyi and the others.

"Grandpa Sun? You, you are Sun Wukong? Impossible, this is impossible, Sun Wukong disappeared 3000 years ago, you can't be him." The young man in Jinyi shook his head and said.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you have no tomorrow." Just after Wukong finished speaking, gray flames also appeared on the young man in Jinyi and others, and then everyone roared miserably, and fell straight to the ground.

'Bang bang bang bang' Sand and dust rose everywhere, bursts of smoke rose, Jinyi youth and others rolled and struggled on the ground in pain like Yan Yi.

"Ah ah ah, you, you, no, can, kill, I, I, yes, demon, god, Luo, Hu, the, grandson, son, you, kill, I, I, lord, lord, Absolutely, yes, no, yes, let, pass, you." The young man in brocade yelled in pain, and

He roared and threatened intermittently.

"Rahu? Although it's not that Luohu, but it has something to do with it. Since it has something to do with him, your life will come to an end today." Wukong said calmly, not caring about the threat of the young man in brocade clothes.

Although what Wukong said was very casual, but the young people in Jinyi and Bai Jingjing heard it differently. At this time, they were all very shocked by Wukong's words, but the youth in Jinyi and others were dying of pain at this time. Fado thought about it

Consciousness is gradually blurred, and even life is gradually passing away.

Bai Jingjing was different, she was very sober, and she was also smarter. Hearing Wukong's words, she understood that the strange young man in front of her didn't seem to be afraid of the demon god Luohu at all, and he seemed to know someone with the same name as the Luohu they knew. as if he
The Luo Hu she knew was also related to the Luo Hu they knew, which puzzled her a lot.

At the same time, Bai Jingjing was amazed by Wukong's strength, and she managed to restrain Luo Hui, the grandson of the demon god Luohu, and a group of people without any effort, and she didn't see how Wukong made a move. All this happened too fast and too weird. In Bai Jingjing's eyes, Wukong is a mysterious superpower.

(End of this chapter)

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