Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 514 Mysterious Jade Pendant

Chapter 514 Mysterious Jade Pendant ([-])
Then Wukong continued: "Now I want to check your body, are you willing?"

Wukong didn't check Hu Shijie's body before, which was regarded as a kind of respect for Hu Shijie. Although Hu Shijie was just a mortal, in Wukong's heart, he didn't have the thought that all saints are ants, even though Wukong's current strength far surpasses saints, but he
Without that thought, since Hu Shijie can know all his current deeds and write them down, this makes Wukong not want to probe Hu Shijie's privacy at will, so Wukong asks Hu Shijie for permission, and Wukong believes that Hu Shijie will agree.

"Idol, do you want to find out why I was able to write down your deeds in a daze? Then go ahead and find out." Hu Shijie had no objection at all.

With Hu Shijie's consent, Wukong immediately unfolded Daoxuan (the upgraded version of divine consciousness is Shengnian, and the upgraded version of Shengnian is Daoxuan) and wrapped Hu Shijie in it. every part of the soul and every part of the mind
All investigations have been completed.

"Huh? What is this?" Wukong found a fist-sized colorless ball of light in the depths of Hu Shijie's mind, and this colorless ball of light emitted a special invisible ripple, which spread out in a special orbit to the distance. Go, if it weren't for Wukong's consciousness

Some time ago, he unexpectedly upgraded to Daoxuan, and Wukong might not be able to find out.

You must know that the spiritual consciousness of Wukong's previous Yuanxin Dao ancestor was only at the stage of holy thoughts. Generally, those who can derive divine consciousness into holy thoughts are peerless geniuses who have already obtained the Dao fruit status and above. The following ascetics only use spiritual consciousness

, Of course, there are also grades and grades in the divine consciousness, and the same is true for Shengnian and Daoxuan. Wukong doesn't know what level Wukong's Daoxuan is, after all, he doesn't know Daoxuan very well.

Wukong only knows that there are nine levels of spiritual consciousness and holy thoughts. Whether Daoxuan is also divided into nine levels, Wukong doesn't know.

If two people have exactly the same level of realm, strength, and spiritual consciousness, then the one with the higher level of spiritual consciousness, holy thoughts, or Daoxuan will definitely have an advantage.

It's like when a low-level fairy beast meets a high-ranking source beast, even if the strength of the two is equal, the source beast can still suppress the fairy beast. Take an ordinary sword and a sword that cuts iron like mud
, the two collided with the same force, the result can be imagined, it must be a sword that cuts iron like mud to cut off an ordinary sword, the same is true for divine consciousness, holy thoughts and Daoxuan.

Wukong's Daoxuan extends along the track emanating from the invisible ripples. Since Wukong's Daoxuan covers a larger area than this track, this is also because of Wukong's suppression. Otherwise, with the coverage of Wukong's Daoxuan, it can Easily cover the entire Honghuangyu

Cosmos, but this is not the limit. Along the way, Wukong actually found that there are countless invisible ripples extending in the same direction.

"So much? It's all emitted from these mortals. What caused it?" Wukong couldn't help thinking in amazement. 
Following the track extended by the invisible ripples, Wukong's Daoxuan extended to the territory of Xi'an, and finally the countless invisible ripples reached the end. Wukong found a purple jade pendant at the bottom of the Weihe River in Xi'an, 500 meters away. Those invisible ripples are hidden here. piece
Among the jade pendants.

(End of this chapter)

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