Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 515 Primordial Universe

Chapter 515 Primordial Universe ([-])
At this time, there is a figure standing in the void on the periphery of the earth in the prehistoric universe, and this person is Lu Tian.

"Hmph, Kong, even if I can't use you, I can use you indirectly through Sun Wukong's hand. Sure enough, you only recognize the blood of the Four Great Saint Clans, so it's worthwhile for me to attract Sun Wukong. But I didn't expect you to pass it on to me. That mortal part of the message that makes him

I wrote a novel called Wukong Fighting to Hongmeng. It seems that you also hope that he will find you and leave such clues on purpose, but you should not have passed on my traces. Fortunately, I found it in time. read the part about me before reading that novel
The content was erased, and at the same time, the breath I left with you was erased. Otherwise, it would be a little troublesome for Monkey King to know my future traces. I didn't expect you to be able to detect my traces. Hmph, you all can't escape My control, the plan I laid out for so long
It is not allowed to be destroyed by anyone, not even you, even if you tell him about my existence now, you can't stop me.Haha, now that you have recognized Sun Wukong, the plan is half completed. This Monkey King is really extraordinary,

Among the four of them, he is definitely the most talented.Sure enough, I did not make a wrong choice, Monkey King, I hope you can study the mystery of 'emptiness' to the greatest extent, the four great saints, just wait, I will go back soon, when the time comes, your four great saints will perish

time, haha. "Lu Tian looked down at the earth and said to himself, and soon, Lu Tian's figure disappeared in this space.

No one noticed Lu Tian's appearance this time.

On the earth, Wukong took out the purple jade pendant and at the same time sent a message to the Saint of Destruction in the Linmeng universe, asking him to look for the same jade pendant on the earth there.

Putting away the purple jade pendant, Wukong immediately found that the countless invisible ripples had no target, and immediately collapsed and dissipated, so Wukong probed, those carriers (humans, animals, plants, etc. all objects on the earth) that emitted invisible ripples invisible
The light ball also dissipated and disappeared.

At the same time, when Wukong just put away the jade pendant, a strong energy from the jade pendant entered his body, and soon merged with the energy in his body without conflicting at all. What Wukong didn't find was that , there is a little invisible in this force
The light spot quickly entered the depths of Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness and disappeared.

"What type of magic weapon is this jade pendant called 'Kong'? The energy just now seems to be the energy of all the objects on the earth that this jade pendant has absorbed over the years. Although it is not big, it is not weak. It is no weaker than a quasi The full power of the Dzogchen practitioners

, this is just a small human planet, and this is just a failure, so if it absorbs the power of the entire universe, how powerful would it be?It is indeed a good treasure. "Wukong couldn't help feeling in his heart. When Wukong got the jade pendant just now,

, Wukong also got some information from the jade pendant.

"And who is that Lu Tian? Huh, no matter who you are, if you want to plot against me, let's see if you have the ability." Wukong also learned some information about Lu Tian, ​​and knew that the immortal The cultivators of the stars have nothing to do with the gods of the prehistoric.

(End of this chapter)

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