Chapter 551 Counterattack ([-])
"Good, good, good, good, I didn't expect the Supreme Elder to be such an unreasonable person, don't you just want to disqualify me as a candidate for the young patriarch? Why waste so much effort, but if you want to abolish my The qualifications of the young patriarch candidate are not up to you alone, and if you want to abolish the cultivation of my benefactor, you have to pass my test first." Zhang Yi stood out in front of Wukong, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"And us, if you want to hurt benefactor, then step over our corpses." Zhang Tai and the other two also stood up and looked at Zhang Qizhi, showing no sign of fear.

"Huh, contradicting the Supreme Elder, the crime will be aggravated, and the Fa will be punished on the spot. This is what you asked for." As soon as Zhang Qizhi finished speaking, a powerful momentum burst out, approaching Zhang Yi and the three of them and Wukong behind him. .

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" The three of Zhang Yi vomited blood at the same time, and the three of them turned pale immediately. They were almost overwhelmed by this coercion, but the three of them gritted their teeth to resist the powerful coercion.

"Hmph, shameless." Suddenly a more powerful coercion appeared from behind the three of Zhang Yi, and directly resisted the coercion exerted on Zhang Yi and the three of them. Immediately, Zhang Yi and the three of them lightened up, and the pressure was gone.

"Papa." At the same time, two loud slaps sounded in the face.

Immediately, Zhang Qizhi's cheeks were swollen, and the two golden handprints were particularly dazzling.

This change immediately shocked everyone present except Wukong. To be able to swell the face of a strong man of the seventh level of the Dao, the strength must be above the seventh level of the Dao. This made Zhang Zihao feel lucky that he was more cautious just now, No shot.

And Zhang Yi and the others were the most surprised. They believed that Wukong did not lie to them. Not long ago, Wukong was seriously injured, and his cultivation base was reduced to only the strength of a saint. In such a short time, he has recovered to about the seventh level of the Dao The strength, this recovery is too fast.

As far as Zhang Yi and others know, if an ordinary ascetic is seriously injured and his strength drops drastically, even if he falls to the level of a saint, it will take decades to fully recover on his own. For a monk with an infinite lifespan, it is like a moment.

Although using some treasures of heaven and earth can speed up recovery, but the treasures of heaven and earth or panaceas that can make a seriously injured ascetic recover from a saint to the stage of the Dao in such a short period of time are located in the fourth section of the outer ring of the Western Regions in Qingfeng Town The eighth small area of ​​the 370th is absolutely none.

Wukong just came here from Hongmeng Outer Domain. For Zhang Yi and others, Hongmeng Outerland must have scarce resources, especially high-level resources.

So they were very surprised how Wukong recovered his strength in such a short period of time. They were surprised. They also knew that there are some things that should not be said on certain occasions. Quickly find a way to solve the current problem.

"Boy, you're courting death." Being slapped in the face in front of the family's juniors and subordinates made Zhang Qizhi furious, so angry that Zhang Qizhi immediately shot with anger.

I saw a huge fiery red palm condensed in the air, and instantly slapped Wukong, including Zhang Yi and the three standing in front of Wukong. Obviously Zhang Qizhi also launched a murderous plan on Zhang Yi and the three.

(End of this chapter)

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