Chapter 552 Counterattack ([-])
Seeing that the mighty flaming giant hand was about to hit Wukong and the others, suddenly two golden lights pierced through the flaming giant hand and flew straight into the sky.

The flaming giant hand shrank like a leaking balloon until it disappeared into the sky and the earth.

"Okay, okay, I don't see that you still have some skills." Zhang Qizhi regained his senses in an instant, and said to Wukong coldly.

"Lynching indiscriminately, especially against your own family members, people like you should be beaten." After speaking, Wukong's figure disappeared.

At the same time, I only heard a loud sound of 'Peng', and saw Zhang Qizhi fly up in an instant. The flying shape was a bit strange. He didn't fly up by himself, but was punched in the stomach from below, and his whole body was bent into a bow shape. flew up.

"Bang", another loud noise was heard, and Zhang Qizhi's body bent back instantly, and at the same time fell to the ground like a meteor with a whoosh.

With a "bang", a human-shaped pit was smashed out of the extremely hard ground, and Zhang Qizhi's whole body was embedded about one meter underground.

At this moment, Wukong appeared again. At this time, Wukong stood in front of Zhang Yi and the other three, clapped his hands, and said very dissatisfied: "It's really disappointing, I can't help but hit it, it hurts like this after two hits, I thought Can stretch and stretch the muscles and bones, alas, bad luck."

Then Wukong turned around and said to Zhang Yi and the others: "Let's go, let's go in." After Wukong finished speaking, he walked into the house. Zhang Yi and the others were still in a state of shock at this time, but nodded reflexively, and then foolishly followed Go into the house behind Goku.

After Wukong and the others entered the room and closed the door, Zhang Zihao and the others were awakened by the sound of the door closing.

"Zhang Yi, you are doomed. You actually teamed up with outsiders to seriously injure the Supreme Elder. You are finished."

Immediately, several people said some harsh words, and then quickly dug Zhang Qizhi out and took him away.

Zhang Yi, who was in the room at this time, woke up first, and then said to Wukong very nervously: "Brother Wukong."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Yi immediately changed his address, "No, Senior Wukong, you should leave here quickly, the Supreme Elder you injured just now is only the bottom among the Supreme Elders in our Zhang family, and there will be other Supreme Elders soon. The elders come over, you won't be able to leave when the time comes

Lost, we are members of the Zhang family, and my grandfather is also the Supreme Elder, and his status is relatively high. It is not difficult to protect us, but you are an outsider. In my Zhang family, you hurt the Supreme Elder, no matter who it is Right or wrong, those Supreme Elders will definitely not let you go, at the same time

Sometimes, I will also show you to the monkeys by the way, and give a warning to those forces who want to deal with my Zhang family. Our Zhang family is not easy to mess with. "

Zhang Yi's analysis was clear and logical, but Wukong didn't care at all. Instead, he sat down on the chair casually, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I'll wait here for those grand elders of your Zhang family. Don't need to call me senior, I'm old

Sun hated those etiquette and customs very much. Since we discussed friends among peers before, it will be the same in the future. "

At this time, Zhang Tai and the two also came to their senses completely, and together with Zhang Yi, they persuaded Wukong: "Senior Wukong, oh, no, no, it's Daoist Wukong, you don't know the strength of my Zhang family, my Zhang family has three The bit has reached the Dao Dzogchen, almost one
You have obtained the supreme Dao fruit status in just one step. In addition, there are more than 30 elders who are above the seventh level of Dao fruit status. You alone are not their opponents at all. "Being stared at by Wukong, Zhang Tai immediately changed his address.

(End of this chapter)

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