Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 561 Regional Competition

Chapter 561 Regional Competition (V)

The splashing flames instantly turned into countless fiery red arrows, all locked on Wukong, and rushed towards Wukong like a meteor shower.

Countless rockets are coming menacingly, but Wukong is calm, looking at the countless rockets that can easily penetrate the universe and space planes below the level of the Dao without fear.

The purple-golden light came out through the body, attached to the surface of Wukong's body, and turned into a pair of shining golden armor.

Then Wukong jumped forward directly, ignoring the 'invincible' rockets, since he directly used his 'body' to resist the countless menacing rockets.

Countless rockets hit Wukong's body, but these attacks couldn't even break through the golden light armor on Wukong's body, let alone cause damage to Wukong himself.

"What a strong defense, but my skills are more than that. Let's see if you can take my move." Zhang Yunxiao said after seeing this scene.

After that, Zhang Yunxiao kept making seals with his hands, and suddenly an ancient aura emanated from Zhang Yunxiao's body.

"Roar~" I saw a crack in the void, and a beast roar came out from it, and a red flame shot out from it. After the red flame shot out, the crack closed immediately. As soon as the red flame appeared, the surrounding temperature immediately increased. sharp rise again

, the space around the red flame immediately became distorted, and the surrounding space seemed to be unable to support it, and it seemed to be broken at any time.

Wukong has seen the spatial strength of the Hongmeng Sanctuary before, and the destructive power of the general Dzogchen powerhouse is absolutely unable to cause the degree of destruction caused by the red flame.

"This red flame is so destructive, and this red flame seems to be the original fire, but it doesn't seem to be? It seems to be a higher-level flame than the original fire. It seems that my black armor can't resist it, no Know if my body can take this
Red flame?Just try it and you'll know, my current physical body is definitely not weaker than the Supreme Holy Body of ordinary first-order practitioners of the Supreme Dao. "Seeing the damage caused by the red flames, Wukong thought to himself.

I saw this red flame flying towards Zhang Yunxiao, before and after Zhang Yunxiao's body, Zhang Yunxiao was not affected by the red flame at all, and then I saw the red flame directly sinking into Zhang Yunxiao's body.

After the red flames entered Zhang Yunxiao's body, Zhang Yunxiao didn't feel any discomfort at all. Instead, the color of the red flames around his body became heavier and turned into red flames, just like the red flames just now. scattered
go with.

There were noises from the space around 'crackling', and at the same time, the space around Zhang Yunxiao became unstable, as if it was about to shatter.

"Sun Daoyou, let me show you the power of my red phosphorus flame, you have to be careful." Zhang Yunxiao said loudly.

"Red phosphorus flame." Wukong murmured softly, and then Wukong said to Zhang Yunxiao: "Don't worry, my old grandson is not so easy to defeat, drink!"

Wukong suddenly roared, and the surrounding rockets that hadn't attacked Wukong's body were immediately scattered by an invisible energy, and countless flames disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I didn't expect the third brother to cast the red phosphorus flame so quickly. I wonder if Sun Daoyou can take this move?" Zhang Junqian, who was sitting in the dark room, looked at the light curtain in front of him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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