Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 562 Regional Competition

Chapter 562 Regional Competition ([-])

"This only shows that Daoist Sun is indeed very strong, and his strength cultivation is really extraordinary, which should not be underestimated. The third brother's meteor and flame rain can't even break through the armor condensed by his mana. You know, although the third brother's move is not his. A trick, but the general Dao is strong
If one were to face his tactic head-on, it would take a considerable price to defeat this tactic. You must know that Sun Daoyou is only at the seventh level of the Dao, and his cultivation is really extraordinary.However, if Daoyou Sun wants to survive the third brother's move of red phosphorus flame, it is a bit difficult. "open
Yutai couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Brother's words are very true." Zhang Junqian looked at the two fighting in the light curtain and agreed.

On the ring, after Wukong scattered the meteor rain, he rushed towards Zhang Yunxiao as usual.

Of course Zhang Yunxiao would not just sit still, he saw Zhang Yunxiao raised his right hand towards the sky, a trace of red flame flew out of his hand, this thread of red flame immediately flew upwards, and then transformed into a red tiger in the sky above Zhang Yunxiao, about three feet long.

'Roar!Roar!Roar! ’ The red tiger roared to the sky, then roared and rushed towards Wukong.

Just when the red tiger was about to approach Wukong, Wukong suddenly received a message, which was a message from his own sacred body of fire origin from Xuanling Canyon in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It turned out that when Wukong was about to get close to the red tiger, Bao Lie Yan Xing Sui, the source of fire, suddenly groaned continuously, and was very excited. The Eucharist of the Origin of Fire, which evolved from Lie Yan Xing Sui, of course understood what Lie Yan Xing Sui wanted to express I mean, Lie Yan Xing Sui wants to
Come out, it is very interested in the scarlet flame that forms the scarlet tiger.

Wukong did not meet Lieyan Xingkui's request, so he sent back a message, clearly telling Lieyan Xingkui to meet his request after the battle is over. Now it is a sparring session, and before the battle, it was stated that Wukong would not break his promise if he did not use magic weapons. , and Wukong also wants to use this
Hone your own nine-turn holy body.

All this happened in a split second. Seeing the red tiger rushing towards him, Wukong raised his fists to meet it.

But before Wukong came into contact with the red tiger, the golden armor around Wukong was destroyed by the destructive power transmitted from the red tiger.

Immediately, Wukong felt a strong burning pain, and the clothes on his body instantly turned to ashes, revealing his strong body. Fortunately, there are no women here, but at his level, he will not be surprised by the exposure of his skin.

Although there was a burning pain, Wukong's body was not burned at all. The red tiger arrived in the blink of an eye, and Wukong's fists were immediately offered.

There was no earth-shattering sound of weeping ghosts and gods, but the moment Wukong's fist touched the red tiger, the red tiger immediately turned into a raging flame and enveloped Wukong's whole body.

Immediately, a more intense burning pain spread throughout Wukong's whole body. Not only Wukong's body felt a very strong pain, but even Wukong's soul was scorched by the red flame.

This red flame not only burns the body, but also burns the soul. Fortunately, Wukong's body and soul are relatively strong, otherwise he would have been injured long ago.

Enduring the severe pain, Wukong let the red flame burn himself, and rushed towards Zhang Yunxiao as usual.

"So strong body defense and soul defense, I was worried that Sun Daoyou couldn't handle it, and I was ready to take back the red phosphorus flame at any time, I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it." Zhang Yunxiao said in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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