Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 565 Regional Competition

Chapter 565 Regional Competition ([-])

I saw ten flaming behemoths surrounded Wukong and attacked Wukong together, and ten powerful and unparalleled forces pressed on Wukong at the same time.

The flame attacks transformed by the ten flame monsters pierced into Wukong's body like thin needles through countless pores all over his body.

Wukong could feel that these ten red flames from the same source seemed to burn his body.

Although the red flame this time is obviously much stronger than before, it still doesn't damage Wukong's body.

"I believe that the power of your red phosphorus flame should be more than this level. I hope you don't continue to hide your secrets, show your true skills, and have a good battle with my old grandson." Wukong stood upright in the void, letting The fierce attack of those ten flame giant beasts, Howard
Said to Zhang Yunxiao angrily.

"Okay, so strong." Seeing this situation, Zhang Yunxiao completely dispelled the idea of ​​belittling Wukong. Only then did he know that Wukong was not talking big, but really strong, so Zhang Yunxiao was a little dazed for a while.

But Zhang Yunxiao came to his senses when he heard Wukong's cry, and his hairs stood on end in fright. If Wukong attacked him when he was in a daze just now, he is probably defeated now.

When a master fights, winning or losing is often at that moment. I was stunned for a while because of the shock. It seems that my concentration is still not strong enough. If this is a battle of life and death, I might have already died. See Come to yourself, you need to be better in the future
It's good to practice, Zhang Yunxiao secretly sprouted a vigilance in his heart.

"Sun Daoyou, now I am completely convinced by you. First of all, I want to express my sincere apology to you. I have always underestimated you. In order to respect you, I want to display the latest knowledge about the red phosphorus flame that I have so far. Powerful, I hope you can
Shocked me again. "Zhang Yunxiao said with admiration.

I saw Zhang Yunxiao, who was inside the red giant's body, continuously forming seals with his hands, and then saw the red giant's mouth wide open, and a strong suction acted on the ten flame giants. This powerful suction draws towards the red giant


Although the ten flame behemoths are very huge, they are as small as ants in front of an elephant in front of the red giant. The ten flame behemoths are instantly swallowed by the red giant.

After devouring the ten flame giants, countless Dao seals appeared around the red giant out of thin air. These Dao seals revolved around the red giant rapidly, and the red giant gradually shrank. As the red giant continued to shrink, the red giant emitted

The coming coercion is getting stronger and stronger.

A powerful and unparalleled force pressed on Wukong, as if it was going to tear Wukong apart. Wukong was pressed by this powerful force and couldn't move for a while.

Finally, the red giant no longer shrinks. At this time, the red giant no longer exists. Zhang Yunxiao's body is covered with a layer of red transparent armor, which protects Zhang Yunxiao's whole body, and a red stripe appears in Zhang Yunxiao's hand. Long whip, at this time
Zhang Yunxiao seemed to be a different person, his aura completely changed.

"Hiss!" The long red whip in Zhang Yunxiao's hand struck Wukong's body like lightning, and a trace of scar appeared on Wukong's indestructible nine-turn holy body.

"Crackling!" After a while, cracks appeared on Wukong's body.

(End of this chapter)

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