Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 566 Regional Competition

Chapter 566 Regional Competition ([-])

Immediately, Wukong felt a burst of intense pain. At this time, not only Wukong's body was injured, but even Wukong's soul was cracked by the red long whip.

Under the continuous whipping of the red whip, Wukong's body and soul began to shatter and collapse.

Although Wukong was suppressed and couldn't move, he was still able to circulate the nine-turn holy power. A stream of nine-turn holy power flowed to Wukong's body and nourished Wukong's soul. Under the nourishment of the nine-turn holy power, Wukong's destroyed body And the soul is also constantly recovering.

Originally, after Wukong's body was covered with scars under the red long whip, Zhang Yunxiao was already a little worried that Wukong would not be able to withstand his red phosphorus flames. Now it seems that Wukong's recovery ability is also very strong, and he It can also be seen that Wukong is tempering his body with his red phosphorus flame, otherwise, how could Wukong have been there to let him attack instead of fighting back, he didn't think Wukong was incapable of breaking through his coercive lock.

"In this case, I will help you." Zhang Yunxiao thought to himself.

I saw the red whip in Zhang Yunxiao's hand suddenly flowing with countless Dao seals and red streamers. As the Dao seals and red streamers merged with the red whip, the red whip gradually shortened and enlarged, and finally changed from the long whip into a Meteor hammer.

Then Zhang Yunxiao swung the meteor hammer and threw it at Wukong.

"Bang bang bang!" Hammer after hammer, Zhang Yunxiao's attacks were measured every time, and the number of attacks was not very frequent.

With Zhang Yunxiao's attack, Wukong's physical body is also constantly strengthening. Originally, Zhang Yunxiao could punch Wukong's physical body into a hole the size of a fist with each hammer, and it would take a few seconds for Wukong to recover. Ten thousand hammers can't hit a trace.

"Drink!" With a loud shout, with Wukong as the center, a tyrannical and tyrannical force spread in all directions. Zhang Yunxiao was immediately forced back by this force, and stopped after flying a hundred meters backwards.

Zhang Yunxiao looked at Wukong in surprise. He did not expect Wukong's power to be so powerful, even stronger than him. This is not only because of his physical defense, but also his mana. He actually felt that the red phosphorus flame in his body revealed a message of fear.

You must know that the red phosphorus flame was obtained by Zhang Yunxiao in a secret realm before. At that time, Zhang Yunxiao almost died in order to obtain this red phosphorus flame. Zhang Yunxiao has also fused this red phosphorus flame for countless years. Knowing the horror of the red phosphorus flame, although it is not considered the top-level energy of heaven and earth in Hongmeng Sanctuary, it can still be regarded as the first-class energy of heaven and earth.

Such a high-level energy has a certain degree of spirituality. When encountering an energy that is much higher than oneself, it will show fear.

Seeing the purple-gold streamer emanating from Wukong's body, Zhang Yunxiao immediately thought of a powerful energy of heaven and earth.

Immediately Zhang Yunxiao was even more shocked, but soon Zhang Yunxiao suppressed the surprise in his heart, and then showed an expression of wanting to try. Although he guessed that Wukong used the legendary energy of heaven and earth, he knew that he would definitely not The enemy is defeated, but he still wants to try how powerful that force is, and this is also because Zhang Yunxiao was affected by Wukong's fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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