Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 598 Grandmist Holy Venerable

Chapter 598 Grandmist Holy Venerable (VIII)

"Humph! Yumu head, it's useless to ask you, okay, let's go, let's go and complete the task assigned by the master." Xuan Yuan said angrily, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Hey! When will your temper change?" Xuantian's huge facial phantom disappeared after speaking.

Soon after, Wukong and his party returned to the Zhang family. After disbanding everyone, Zhang Yutai, the three ancestors of the Zhang family, and the three brothers Zhang Yi followed Wukong and the others to the courtyard where Wukong and the others lived.

"Come on, is there something wrong with what the three of them said just now?" Wukong said to Zhang Yutai as soon as he entered the room.

From the strangeness of the practitioners around, Zhang Yutai's nervous and worried expression, and his rushing back, Wukong was even more sure that there was something wrong with what Zixia and the three said.

"Sun Daoyou, you have also discovered it. Let me ask you first, do you not know what kind of existence the Primordial Priest is like?"

"To be honest, we really don't know." Wukong replied truthfully, Zhang Yi and the other three hadn't told him about it before.

"So, are you not the original residents of Hongmeng Sanctuary, but ascetics who came to Hongmeng Outer Territory?" Zhang Yutai asked immediately.

"Grandpa, actually." At this time Zhang Yi said anxiously, wanting to defend Wukong.

"Zhang Yi, you don't need to worry, I believe Brother Yutai and the others will not leak this matter." Wukong interrupted Zhang Yi and said with a smile, and then continued to say to Zhang Yutai: "Yes, I was attacked by the enemy. Killed by accident

Came to this Hongmeng Sanctuary from the Outer Territory of Hongmeng. "

"Being killed by an enemy and accidentally coming to the Sanctuary of Hongmeng? There is a very powerful barrier between the Sanctuary of Hongmeng and the Outer Domain of Hongmeng. It not only separates the two domains, but also separates the space-time tunnel between the two domains. Now, if you want to go back and forth between the two places, you can only
Crack the enchantment barrier to get in and out, but it is impossible for ascetics under the Dao of Nothingness to pass through the barrier of enchantment. Even ordinary strongmen of the Dao of Nothingness cannot easily pass through there without being discovered by the guardians there. Don’t you Your cultivation base has not been restored, you are a

Dao of nothingness level power? Zhang Yutai said in surprise and doubt.

At this time, Zhang Yutai's voice was visibly trembling, not only him, but Zhang Junqian and Zhang Yunxiao also looked at Wukong in awe.

"Hehe, I haven't reached that level yet. My current cultivation base is my real cultivation base, but the enemy who killed me was a powerhouse at the Dao of Nothingness level. After being attacked by him, I thought I would be wiped out , I didn't expect that I just felt

It was dark before my eyes, and not long after that, not only did I not fall, but I also accidentally came to the edge of this Hongmeng Sanctuary, and not long after that, I met Zhang Yi and the other three, and then followed them here. "Wukong didn't count the cultivation base of the previous life, only said the highest cultivation base of this life

, As for the 'empty' thing Wukong did not intend to say.

It's not that Wukong doesn't trust Zhang Yutai and the others, but that the less people know about this treasure of heaven and earth, the safer it is, and the more people who know it, the more dangerous it is.

Being able to silently bring Wukong from the Outer Territory of Hongmeng to the Sanctuary of Hongmeng without being noticed by those guardians shows the power of 'Kong', and there are many powerful functions on 'Kong' that Wukong is temporarily unknown to. Of course you can't just tell the secret
Others, even Zixia and others are unknown, let alone Zhang Yutai and others.

(End of this chapter)

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