Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 599 Grandmist Holy Venerable

Chapter 599 Grandmist Holy Venerable ([-])

"So, it is probably caused by your enemy. It seems that your enemy should be a very powerful Void Dao powerhouse. You have offended such a powerful existence, but you are really fate, and you were forced by Void Dao. The attacker's attack turned out to be only a serious injury.
It can be seen that you are a person with great luck, Daoyou Sun, and you will have good luck if you survive a catastrophe. Zhang Yutai sighed uncontrollably.

He didn't doubt Wukong's words, and he also thought that the enemy might be too powerful. When attacking Wukong, he broke through the enchantment barrier and opened up a time-space tunnel leading to the Hongmeng Sanctuary, which led Wukong to the Hongmeng Sanctuary.

"However, your enemy is a great power of the nihilistic dao status, will he chase after Hongmeng Sanctuary?" Zhang Yutai said with some concern.

"Don't worry, he won't come after him. He doesn't know the existence of the Grandmist Sanctuary, and he probably thought I was dead, otherwise, he would have come after me long ago. Besides, he is a nothingness With the power of the Dao fruit position, even if you know the existence of the Primordial Sanctuary

, and knowing that I am still alive and well, so what?Knowing the existence of the Hongmeng Sanctuary, he should also know that there are many Void Dao powerhouses who are not weaker than him guarding the barrier that separates the two domains. I don't think he will risk offending those powerful guardians guarding the barrier. of
Danger to deal with me, a little Dao practitioner who doesn't have much hatred for him! " Wukong didn't want Zhang Yutai and others to worry, so he had to lie to deceive everyone.

In fact, Wukong knew very well in his heart that the Supreme Being of Destiny might know the existence of the Hongmeng Sanctuary through the mysterious strongman named Lu Tian, ​​and that Lu Tian probably came to the Hongmeng Sanctuary, and even though he and Tianming Supreme they don't have much enmity
hate, but Wukong knew in his heart that they should not let him go easily.

As for why they haven't chased and killed them until now, Wukong thinks it should be "empty" which causes them to think that they have died, and they don't know that they have come to the Sanctuary of Hongmeng, or they know that they are not dead, but because of 'null'

For some reason, they couldn't figure out where they were.

In short, the most important thing now is to improve your strength. If you have strong strength, even if you are found by them one day, you will not be helpless.

"That's right, the Outer Territory of Hongmeng is an abandoned place. It is impossible for the ascetics there to know the existence of the Sanctuary of Hongmeng. Even if the strong man of the Dao of Nothingness finds out by chance, he should not easily pass through the barrier. Many powerful warriors of the Dao of Nothingness are guarding

Protecting you, as for you being attacked by him and accidentally coming to the Sanctuary of Hongmeng and not being found, I can only say that you are very lucky. Zhang Yutai thought for a while, and felt that what Wukong said was not unreasonable.

And he didn't think that the Void Dao expert from Hongmeng Outer Territory who attacked Wukong was so strong that he couldn't easily pass through the barrier without being discovered by the powerful guardian.

"Well, then, I'll tell you what kind of existence Hongmeng Shengzun is." Without further investigation, Zhang Yutai immediately said to Wukong and the others.

"Although I am only a cultivator of Dao status now, and I don't have a comprehensive understanding of the high and empty Dao status, but I still know a little bit about the existence of Hongmeng Shengzun and the higher Supreme Dao Zun. Yes." Zhang Yutai continued.

"Supreme Daoist?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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