Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 601 Smooth Wind and River

Chapter 601

"Okay." Yun Xuanling and Qi Yanfeng replied in unison.

"Wukong, then I'll go back first." Zixia also said softly.

Then Zixia and the three left Wukong's room and went back to their respective rooms.

After Zixia and others left, Wukong immediately set up an enchantment, and then took out 'Kong' again for research.

Since the last time Wukong probed Daoxuan into the "empty" and dived into the "empty" by a thousandth of a millimeter, he has been unable to penetrate further. During this period of time, Wukong has been studying the "empty space" in addition to absorbing and fusing the purple energy of the primordial essence to refine the body. ', but there has been no progress.

Time passed by little by little, Wukong has been using Daoxuan to infiltrate 'kong' one step further, and soon, the next day came.

"It still doesn't work. Is it because my cultivation base is not high enough and Daoxuan is not strong enough. It seems that it is important to concentrate on cultivation in the future. As for the research on 'Kong', let's take it easy." Wukong stared at the 'Kong' in front of him. He pondered, and then Wukong put away the 'empty', and then removed the barrier, then got up and walked outside the house.

After opening the door and going out, Wukong found that Zixia and the other three hadn't come out yet, and the door of their room was still locked, and Wukong didn't call them immediately, anyway, it was still early, and Wukong was not in a hurry.

Then Wukong came to the stone pavilion in the center of the courtyard. There was a stone table and four stone benches inside the stone pavilion. Wukong sat down on a stone bench casually, and then picked up the spiritual fruit in the jade plate on the stone table. While eating, they waited for the three of Zixia.

The rank division of spirit fruits in Hongmeng Sanctuary is different from that in Hongmeng Outer Domain. The ranks of spirit fruits in Hongmeng Sanctuary from low to high are Hongmeng Lingguo (low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, extreme grade), Hongmeng holy fruit (low-grade, middle-grade, Top grade, best grade), Hongmeng Daoguo (low grade, middle grade, top grade, best grade).

The medium-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruit that Wukong is eating now, the green spirit fruit, Wukong said while eating: "The medium-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruit in the Hongmeng Sanctuary is no worse than the medium-grade Hongmeng holy fruit in the Hongmeng outer domain, if I have not miscalculated. , the low-grade Hongmeng Sacred Fruit of the Hongmeng Sanctuary surpasses the top-grade Hongmeng Sacred Fruit of the Hongmeng Outer Domain. The high-level resources in the Hongmeng Sanctuary are abundant, and even a small town has better resources than the Hongmeng Outer Domain. If the Hongmeng Outer Domain has such good resources , my previous life would not be stagnant on the Supreme Dao Dzogchen for a long time, and the third and fourth younger brothers would not be tricked by a Dao Dan, and they would fight in the end."

Wukong had learned from Zhang Yi before about the division of spiritual fruits and spiritual pills in the Sanctuary of Hongmeng. The green spiritual fruit was sent by Zhang Yutai to entertain Wukong and others, and someone would send it regularly every day.

Although the green spirit fruit is a low-grade spirit fruit in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary, it belongs to the top-grade spirit fruit for entertaining distinguished guests in the Zhang family, which belongs to an uninfluential force. The Zhang family also has top-grade Hongmeng spirit fruit and top-grade Hongmeng spirit fruit But they are very rare, and those who reward the Zhang family with good talents and those who have made great contributions to the Zhang family, it is already very good to send sixteen pieces of middle-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruit and green spiritual fruit every day.

The orchard on the territory of the Zhang family harvests about [-] mid-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruits every year, which seems to be a lot, but more than half of them are sold to earn Lingyun stones for the Zhang family's expenses, and a small part is used for the Zhang family's expenses. To train the children of the family, it is not bad for the children of the Zhang family who have been trained to have two middle-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruits a day.

(End of this chapter)

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