Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 602 Smooth Wind and River

Chapter 602

Besides Zhang Yutai and the other three ancestors, the other elders can only enjoy at most three middle-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruits every day, so it is very high for the Zhang family to give Wukong four people [-] pieces a day treated.

The spirit pills in Hongmeng Sanctuary are divided into Hongmeng Spirit Pills (yellow, mysterious, earth, sky, each level is divided into three grades of lower, middle, and upper) Hongmeng Daodan (first to ninth grade).

Previously, Zhang Yutai said that he sent someone to send a hundred pieces of Huangpin’s first-class elixir to the fifth elder, which was Huang’s first-class Hongmeng elixir. During his stay in the Zhang family, Wukong also saw Huang’s first-class Hongmeng spirit Pills are just equivalent to the low-grade Hongmeng Shengdan in Hongmeng Outland.

In the Sanctuary of Hongmeng, Huangpin Hongmeng Spiritual Pill is relatively easy to refine and does not require too many materials. One low-grade Hongmeng Lingguo can refine about ten thousand pieces of Huangpin inferior Hongmeng Spiritual Pill, or a hundred yellow-grade A medium-grade grandmist elixir, or a few yellow-grade high-grade grandmist elixir.

It is equivalent to saying that the low-level grandmist spirit pill is not as good as the low-level grandmist spirit fruit. The reason for refining the low-level grandmist spirit pill, which contains energy far inferior to the low-level grandmist spirit fruit, is to give those who are still below saints (including saints) Young ascetics take it, and it is difficult for them to refine a elixir that contains energy equal to that of a low-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruit, so they refine such a elixir.

The highest-grade elixir owned by the Zhang family is only the first-class grandmist elixir of the mysterious grade, but it is very rare, only a few dozen. The Hongmeng Holy Pill is equivalent, so the elixir above the ground grade Hongmeng Lingdan in the Hongmeng Sanctuary is the legendary Dao Pill for the ascetics in the Hongmeng Outer Domain.

Not long after, the three of Zixia walked out of their respective rooms one after another, came to the stone pavilion and sat down to enjoy the green spirit fruit with Wukong.

Soon after, Zhang Yutai and others came.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, and fellow daoists, shouldn't it be time for us to head to the competition venue?" Zhang Yutai said directly after entering.

"Well, let's go." Wukong nodded and said, and then everyone set off to the central square.

Soon everyone came to the central square and walked to the back of the trial tower. There was a huge palace [-] meters behind the trial tower. After entering the palace, Wukong found that the inner space was very huge. Most of the ascetics, most of these ascetics are spectators.

"Sun Daoyou, let's go over there and wait for the news!" Zhang Yutai pointed to the front and said.

The interior of the palace is a large hall. After entering from the outer door, it is in the middle of the hall. There is a blank space of ten meters in the middle, and there are five huge rings on each side. Each ring is surrounded by a large number of people. monks.

At the end of the ten-meter blank space, there were two ascetics sitting there, and now dozens of people were standing in front of them, and several of them seemed to be receiving a jade tablet.

Under the leadership of Zhang Yutai, Wukong and others also came to those two people.

"Huh? Wang Zihong, you guys came quite early." Zhang Yutai greeted one of the dozens of people who came earlier. It turned out that Wang Zihong and other Wang family were among the dozens of people. Leading the contestants of the Wang family to receive the jade medals here.

"Hmph! Zhang Yutai, you won't be proud for long, let's go." Wang Zihong snorted coldly, and instead of entangled with Zhang Yutai, two groups of people walked to the left and right respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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