Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 603 Smooth Wind and River

Chapter 603

"Haha, old guy, you slipped pretty fast." Zhang Yutai laughed.

Hearing Zhang Yutai's words, Wang Zihong paused for a moment, clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed a gloomy look, but Wang Zihong didn't look back or stay any longer, and soon moved on, thinking hard while walking : "Zhang Yutai, just be proud of yourself first, and you won't be able to be proud for long. Before long, I will make your Zhang family disappear completely."

"This old guy is a bit abnormal today! Is it because the attitude of the two special envoys towards Sun Daoyou made him afraid, and he didn't dare to fight against my Zhang family, huh? Probably not, there must be a problem. It seems that he should pay more attention to the situation of the Wang family. .” Zhang Yutai thought secretly.

After thinking about it, it is more important to finish the business first, so Zhang Yutai politely said to the two sitting people: "We are here to participate in the competition, and the participants in the regional competition include Monkey King, Zixia, Qi Yanfeng, Yunxuan Ling , there are Zhang Jiangtian, Zhang Yi, Zhang Tai, Zhang Xiang, Zhang Jinyan and Zhang Yiheng participating in the elite competition, please excuse me."

Zhang Jiangtian is a direct descendant of the Zhang family who competed with Zhang Yi for the patriarch of the Zhang family. He is the great-grandson of Zhang Yutai. Although he is not as senior as Zhang Yigao, Zhang Jiangtian's talent is a little higher than that of Zhang Yi. He is now 19 years old and a year older than Zhang Yi At the age of [-], his cultivation had already reached the second level of the Heavenly Dao, and Zhang Yi had just obtained the Heavenly Way Fruit Status not long ago. If he wanted to upgrade from the first level of the Heavenly Way to the second level of the Heavenly Way, it would probably take some time if there were no adventures. ten years or so.

That's why Zhang Junqian was worried that if Wukong wanted one of the two places in the Zhang family, he would definitely give Wukong the place of Zhang Yi. After all, Zhang Jiangtian has better aptitude. .

The descendants of the three ancestors of the Zhang family, Zhang Yutai, are direct descendants, while the descendants of the fourth elder to the seventh elder are collateral descendants, because the three ancestors of Zhang Yutai are brothers, and the others are only their descendants. Cousins, the Zhang family is also mainly run by the three of Zhang Yutai.

Because the ascetics in Hongmeng Sanctuary had children relatively late, the age gap between Zhang Junqian and Zhang Yi's grandchildren was very large.

The Zhang family selects a young patriarch every Hongmeng year. The young patriarch is selected from the direct descendants of the Zhang family under the age of 20. Therefore, the direct descendants of the Zhang family generally have children between 110 and 120 years before the selection of the young patriarch. Female, in order to allow their children to participate in the selection of the young patriarch, ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary usually wait 100 years before giving birth to a child.

The elected young patriarch will inherit the position of patriarch after a thousand years and be responsible for managing the affairs of the Zhang family.

The selection day for the young patriarch is coming soon, and Zhang Jiangtian and Zhang Yi are the most popular candidates.

The Elite Tournament is a competition between young children under the age of 20 between different or influent forces in various small areas. In fact, this is the case on the surface. contest between.

The elite competition is not held every year, it is also held once a Hongmeng year, and the places given by the Qingfeng Taoist Temple are also given once a Hongmeng year, and the places are also given to young children under the age of 20 from various forces. In fact, Zhang Jiayi Hongmeng The selection of the young patriarch once a year is also based on the quota given by the elite competition and the Qingfeng Taoist temple.

Not only the Zhang family is like this, but other forces are basically the same.

(End of this chapter)

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