Chapter 604

"Sun Wukong team, this is your jade card with your names on it. The first round of the game is a team battle. The jade card will not be used for the time being. Please save it first. Please go to the left and wait. There will be an announcement later. , and Wu Lin from your team has received the jade card and waited on the left." The man sitting on the left said to Wukong standing next to Zhang Yutai with a smile on his face.

"Ancestor of the Zhang family, this is the entry card for your Zhang family's children, please keep it away, and please wait for those of your Zhang family participating in the elite competition to the right." The man sitting on the right took out several jade cards at the same time and pointed at Zhang Yutai. Said.

"Well, thank you very much." Zhang Yutai thanked them after taking all the jade cards from them.

Then Zhang Yutai turned around and handed the jade cards in his hands to Wukong and Zhang Jiangtian respectively, and said, "Sun Daoyou, this is your entry card, Jiang Tian, ​​come here and distribute your entry cards."

"Thank you." Wukong said with a smile, and then took the competition cards belonging to them, and then turned around and handed out the competition cards of Zixia and the other three to them.

"Okay, Patriarch." Zhang Jiangtian took a few steps forward at the same time to take the other competition cards, then turned around and handed them out.

After everyone distributed the entry cards, Zhang Yutai went on to say: "Second brother, you take Jiang Tian and the others to participate in the elite competition, and my third brother and I will accompany Sun Daoyou and the others to participate in the regional competition."

"Okay, big brother." Zhang Junqian responded.

Then Zhang Junqian said to Wukong and Zhang Jiangtian and the others respectively: "Sun Daoyou, we will go there first, I wish you a great victory, Jiang Tian, ​​follow me."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Junqian led Zhang Jiangtian and other Zhang family disciples to the right.

"Sun Daoyou, let's go too." After Zhang Junqian and the others left, Zhang Yutai also said to Wukong and the others.

"Yeah." Wukong nodded.

Then Wukong and others walked to the ring on the left.

"Huh? Sound-proof enchantment, no wonder." After walking a few steps, Wukong suddenly found himself passing through a transparent light film, and suddenly heard a noise.

Soon Wukong figured it out. Before Wukong saw so many people on the left and right sides, and saw many people talking, but couldn't hear them talking, he felt that there should be something famous. There is a sound barrier.

The three of Zixia also understood after hearing the noisy voice.

"You have also discovered that the reason why this sound-proof barrier exists is to facilitate the simultaneous progress of the regional competition and the elite competition without being affected by each other. I haven't told you about the elite competition. Every time the elite competition passes It will be held once in the year of Hongmeng, and the participants in the elite competition are all young children under the age of 20 from various family forces, and the venue is set up like this, so it will be arranged like this during the elite competition." Zhang Yutai walked to Wukong four times. people explained.

"Brother Sun Dao, you are here." Just after Wukong and the others reached the crowded place, a person walked out of the crowd and greeted Wukong and the others.

"Hehe, it turns out to be Fellow Daoist Wu." Wukong said with a smile after seeing the person coming.

"Sun Daoyou, who is this?" Zhang Yutai asked Wukong.

"He is Wu Lin, a teammate in the team that we met in the trial tower during the last test." Wukong introduced.

"And these two are Zhang Yutai and Zhang Yunxiao, the two patriarchs of the Zhang family." At the same time, Wukong introduced Zhang Yutai and Zhang Yutai to Wu Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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