Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 608 Smooth Wind and River

Chapter 608

As soon as the mysterious voice finished speaking, Yun Xuanling and Wu Lin teleported to the No. [-] ring, standing opposite each other.

"Friend Daoist Yun, you should make the move first!" Wu Lin said to Yun Xuanling with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite." After finishing speaking, Yun Xuanling transformed into a domineering sword, and suddenly there was a burst of fierceness, and the domineering sword energy spread.

Wu Lin was the first to bear the brunt, and Wu Lin couldn't help applauding: "What a strong momentum, this power is by no means weaker than that of ordinary first-order cultivators of the Dao, the sword intent, and the unity of the human sword, unexpectedly comprehended the sword to such a degree, could it be that fellow Taoist Yun?" Is it a martial artist? It should be right, otherwise Daoist Yun would not have exploded with such a powerful aura due to his Dzogchen cultivation base, and martial arts are really extraordinary, it seems that I have to be careful in dealing with it, and I can't underestimate the enemy."

Not only Wu Lin mistook Yun Xuanling for Wuxiu, but even the audience below thought so too, except Wukong, Zixia and Qi Yanfeng.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, is Fellow Daoist Yun a martial artist?" Zhang Yutai asked in doubt and with some joy.

"No, it's just one of his supernatural powers." Wukong replied flatly.

"Oh, it turned out to be just a supernatural power. It's quite like Wu Xiu's fusion of human and sword, and there is such a strong sword intent. This kind of supernatural power is really powerful." Zhang Yutai's tone was a little regretful, but he still felt Yun Xuanling's emotion. Supernatural powers are powerful.

As mentioned earlier, the cultivation types of ascetics in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary can be mainly divided into Dharma cultivation (also known as skill cultivation), sword cultivation, martial cultivation and strength cultivation.

Cultivating sword intent, sword intent, etc., or the unity of human and sword, and the integration of human and sword, etc. are only the most basic cultivation methods in martial arts. It can be cultivated, not to mention that it is very easy for them to reach the rank of saint or above in the Sanctuary of Primordial Origin, and can easily evolve into space planes and the universe.

Since it is so easy to practice, the reason why the audience under the ring and Zhang Yutai and others were surprised is because the early stage of martial arts is very easy to practice, but it is not very strong, and it is obviously much stronger than Shushu and Jianxiu in the middle and late stages. It is very difficult to cultivate in the later stage, and it is difficult for those with poor comprehension ability to make progress. At this time, it is a bit late to switch to the cultivation technique, and it is difficult to reach a high level.

If the two cultivation systems are cultivated at the same time, higher comprehension ability and more time are needed, etc., and it is more difficult to cultivate. After all, these four cultivation methods are just a large system division, and each cultivation system contains thousands of methods. One cultivation system requires painstaking efforts to cultivate, let alone more than two cultivation systems, so the ascetics in the Primordial Sanctuary basically practice only one system of cultivation methods.

Of course, there are also a small number of peerless geniuses who practice more than two cultivation systems and have reached a very high level, of course, they are only a very small number.

The same is true for strength cultivation, which is easy in the early stage and difficult in the middle and late stages, so few ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary prove the Tao with martial arts and strength.

As for Wukong, Yun Xuanling used a kind of supernatural power similar to the unity of human and sword. This kind of supernatural power similar to the cultivation method in the early stage of martial arts also existed in Hongmeng Sanctuary, but the supernatural power that can exert such a powerful sword intent is extremely powerful. Rare, so Zhang Yutai was not only relieved when he heard Wukong's explanation, but also praised Yunxuanling's supernatural power.

(End of this chapter)

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