Chapter 609

The match was still going on, and Yun Xuanling had stayed where he was since he turned into a giant knife just now, instead of attacking immediately, he was accumulating energy for a thunderous blow.

A seemingly simple knife, but it contains infinite mysteries. As Wu Lin who is fighting Yun Xuanling, he can better understand the power of Yun Xuanling's knife, not only the strength of the sword, but also the power Wu Lin did not dare to underestimate his physical strength, so Wu Lin believed that Yun Xuanling was a martial artist, and not just an ordinary martial artist. After all, the early stage training of an ordinary martial artist is similar to that of an ordinary martial arts sword cultivator. .

Wu Lin immediately placed a ten-meter-high protective shield in front of himself, and at the same time transformed into a golden writing brush, and then wrote mysterious characters one after another on the back of the protective shield, as a counterattack.

'hiss! 'The giant knife that Yun Xuanling turned into moved before it had been charged for too long, and the speed was so fast that most of the audience below didn't see it clearly at all. The giant knife that Yun Xuanling turned into came to Wu Lin , without the slightest obstacle, the big knife transformed by Yun Xuanling directly split the protective cover under Wu Lin's cloth, and slashed at Wu Lin with undiminished power.

Wu Lin didn't expect Yun Xuanling to crack the protective shield he had set up so easily. Knowing that he still underestimated Yun Xuanling, he immediately stopped writing in an emergency, and with a swipe of his pen, he stamped the unfinished Seal of All Souls Extinguishing God play.

Even so, Wu Lin's incomplete Seal of All Souls Extinguishing Gods should not be underestimated. Every big character contains the energy of destroying the world, no less than the full blow of an ordinary strong person at the beginning of the first level of the Dao. And Wu Lin has completed more than 8000 words in this short period of time. It is conceivable that more than 8000 ordinary strong people at the beginning of the first-order Dao will attack with all their strength. It may not be able to withstand it, the higher the level is, the greater the difference in strength. It is difficult for ordinary ascetics to challenge across levels. Only those who are heavenly wizards or ascetics who have powerful magic weapons or secret methods can challenge across levels. Those who can cultivate to the middle and late stage are all geniuses of the sky. Originally, they launched such a powerful move, which is also because Wu Lin has positioned Yun Xuanling to such an extent after combining human and sword.

At the same time as he cast the Seal of All Souls Extinguishing Gods, Wu Lin quickly teleported to the right to hide.

"Bang bang bang" Yun Xuanling's huge knife can be said to be extremely domineering, ignoring the words with huge energy, it directly runs through the seals of all spirits and gods one after another, just like cutting tofu, it is easy to break The huge energy generated by the explosion of the opened All Souls Extinguishing God Seal disperses in all directions.

From this we can see how powerful the huge knife transformed by Yun Xuanling is, and it instantly raised his power to a very high level.

However, although Yun Xuanling's supernatural power of transforming all things is powerful, and the transformed sword has greatly increased his power, but this is only temporary. It can be seen from the fact that he has broken more than half of the seal of the God of Extinguishing Spirits. It is still easy to break one after another All Souls Extinguishing God Seal, but the current momentum has weakened significantly.

But fortunately, his speed is fast enough, breaking most of the seals of the Myriad Souls Extinguishing Gods is only an instant effort. In the blink of an eye, Yun Xuanling broke all the seals of the All Souls Extinguishing Gods, and at the same time he also recovered his body. Wu Lin also just stabilized his figure a hundred meters to the right and looked this way.

(End of this chapter)

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