Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 610 Smooth Wind and River

Chapter 610

Of course Yun Xuanling would not stop there, and transformed into an imposing giant sword in an instant. The sword's intent raged across the space within a ten-meter radius, and electric lights covered the space within a ten-meter radius. .

Without giving Wu Lin a chance to breathe, the giant sword shot away like Wu Lin in an instant. The speed was as fast as teleportation.

Although the distance between the two is very close, in the Primordial Sanctuary where the speed and destructive power are greatly suppressed, even the average early-stage Heavenly Dao strongman can run [-] meters at a speed not weaker than that of the instant caster. The moving supernatural power spans [-] meters, but a discerning eye can see Yun Xuanling's speed at a glance. Even if it is [-] meters or [-] meters, it can be reached in an instant by speed alone. At least Wukong, Zhang Yutai and others can see inferred.

So Zhang Yutai was shocked at this time.

Wu Lin was not a vegetarian either, so he immediately teleported to the other side of the ring. Unfortunately, before he could stand still, Yun Xuanling's attack arrived immediately, so Wu Lin teleported again to dodge.

In this way, the two started a chase in the ring.

"It's really martial arts! Didn't you say that the early stage of martial arts is very ordinary? Why is he so strong, and he is so powerful in combining human swords and human swords. Is he really just a cultivation base of the Great Perfection of Heaven? This How is it possible? Challenged by two levels and still beat the opponent, and one of the levels is a transition from a higher level, not only the difference in quantity, but also the difference in quality! Am I suffering from an illusion and have hallucinations?" The following A member of the audience murmured in disbelief.

Not only did he think so, but basically all the audience thought so at this time.

Of course, except for some spectators next to Wukong and Wukong and others who just heard their conversation.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, the supernatural power displayed by Fellow Daoist Yun is really strong! Not only is it similar to the initial stage of martial arts, but it can also exert such a powerful force that it easily broke through Wu Lin's attack just now, and now it is forcing Wu Lin to have no chance to fight back." Power." Zhang Yutai said with emotion.

"Well, strong is strong, but it also has weaknesses. Xiaoling's supernatural power only greatly improves his strength and speed in a short period of time. Although the speed makes up for the shortcoming of time, the last round of attacks is over, and the next round of attacks can be immediately Keep up, but the gap between the two is there. On the surface, Xiao Ling has the upper hand now, but he can't hurt Wu Lin at all. If things go on like this, with Xiao Ling's cultivation base, he uses supernatural powers so frequently, and the competition is very difficult. It is not allowed to use pills to restore mana. Even if he can run the mana recovery skills at the same time to restore mana, the supply is in short supply. After all, he does not have a heaven-defying level of skills that can instantly restore a large amount of mana. If it can't consume Wu Lin, Xiao Ling will definitely lose after a long time." Wu Kong, who knew a little about Yun Xuanling, analyzed.

Wu Lin didn't know about Wu Kong's analysis, but now he is running away with all his heart, so Wu Lin at this time can be said to be very anxious and helpless.

Wu Lin is really suffering and can't tell at this time!

The initial underestimation of the enemy caused him to be pressed and beaten all the time, not to mention how fast Yun Xuanling was, as soon as he teleported to another place, Yun Xuanling's attack followed closely.

At this time, it's not just a matter of speed, if it's just speed, he can still avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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