Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 615 Integration of Tao

Chapter 615 Integration of Tao ([-])

Looking around, seeing that no one dared to refute himself, Special Envoy Tianlin said coldly: "This matter is over, anyone who dares to question the judgment of this Special Envoy will be an enemy of this Special Envoy, and don't blame this Special Envoy for being rude." .”

The ascetics who were dissatisfied before immediately bowed their heads and did not dare to have any objections. The ascetic just now was even more silent at this time and did not dare to say more.

"Okay, you all go away, Sun Wukong, Zixia, Wu Lin, Yunxuanling, Qi Yanfeng, the five of you stay here, follow me." Special envoy Tianlin drew a door of light beside him after speaking, Then it was the first to enter the light gate.

"Let us go there too?" Yun Xuanling asked suspiciously with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's okay to go and have a look, and he won't do anything to us if we measure him." Qi Yanfeng said indifferently.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Qi, Fellow Daoist Yun, congratulations to both of you. If my guess is correct, Special Envoy Tianlin asked you to go too because your potential has reached the standard, and you have also obtained the quota to go to Qingfeng Taoist Temple." Zhang Yutai laughed loudly at this moment.

Looking at Yun Xuanling and the others who were puzzled, Zhang Yunxiao immediately added: "Brother is right, in the regional competitions in various small areas of Qingfeng Town, there are not only the fixed top three who can get to Qingfeng Taoist Temple, There are still potential talents who have reached a certain level but have not won the top three can also get places to go to Qingfeng Taoist Temple. This is to avoid missing out on some talents who have great potential but have not yet grown up and are not strong enough to get the top three. , so some ascetics whose cultivation level is not high enough come to participate in the regional competition knowing that they will not get the top three. We should have thought of it when the two special envoys invited you to join the Gongsun family. Being invited by them to join the Gongsun family shows that you potential is large enough.”

"I've heard of such a situation, but there are very few geniuses who can reach the standard. It's not bad if there is one qualified genius in a small area like ours every million years. I didn't expect there to be two this time. Congratulations to you two! It is." Wu Lin also interjected.

"Haha, that's fine too, let's go in and take a look." Yun Xuanling said with a smile.

"Sun Daoyou, then my third brother and I will go to see the situation of Tian'er and their competition first, and we will have a round at the place where we receive the competition cards later." Zhang Yutai said to Wukong.

"Okay, see you later." Wukong nodded and said.

Afterwards, the five Wukong teleported to the No. [-] arena one after another, and then walked into the light gate one after another. As for Zhang Yutai, they walked to the ring area on the right.

After entering the Light Gate, Wukong and others appeared in a hall.

The interior layout of the hall is very simple, that is, ten sets of tables and chairs. There are two sets of tables and chairs at the top, and four sets of tables and chairs on each side of the bottom. There are some spiritual fruits on each table. Feel the energy contained in it. It should be The top-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruit, being able to bring out the top-grade Hongmeng spiritual fruit to entertain guests, it can be seen that the financial resources of the two special envoys of Tianlin are stronger than those of the Zhang family and other low-level forces, and they are worthy of being the fifth-ranked Gongsun family in Qingfeng Town.

The two servants of Gongsun's family who have great avenues have such financial resources, which shows the strength of Gongsun's family.

At this time, I saw the special envoy Tianlin sitting on the left side of the upper position.

Seeing the arrival of the five Wukongs, Tianlin's envoy smiled and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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