Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 616 Integration of Tao

Chapter 616 Integration of Tao ([-])
Wukong, Zixia and the other four chose a chair to sit down at random without being humble, while Wu Lin chose to sit on a chair outside rather cautiously.

"Sun Wukong, Zixia, Wu Lin, this is the reward for the three of you as the top three in this regional competition." Special Envoy Tianlin waved his hand.

Then I saw a box made of jade appearing on the table next to the chairs where the three of Wukong were sitting.

Just looking at the quality of the jade box, you can tell that the items contained in it are definitely not ordinary, at least in the small area where Wukong and others are now, they should be high-end items.

But Wukong didn't open it to look at it at this time, and put away the jade box casually, and Zixia did the same, didn't open it to look immediately.

Only Wu Lin couldn't help opening the jade box with ecstasy, and suddenly ten thousand green lights burst out, and he saw a green pill the size of an egg lying quietly inside.

"This, this is the Enlightenment Pill." Wu Lin seemed to know this pill, and shouted out excitedly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable. That's right, this is the top-grade pill of the Xuanpin Enlightenment Pill, which can increase the degree of fusion with the Tao. Whether the degree of fusion can be increased depends on the user's own potential. Of course This heaven-defying elixir is only effective for the first time a monk uses it in his life, and it will be invalid if he uses it later, and the effect cannot be superimposed. You are so lucky. I didn’t expect that the rewards of this regional competition would include Enlightenment Pills. You must know that there are only eight factions in Qingfeng Town that have the ability to refine this Enlightenment Pill, and our Gongsun family is one of them, and this Enlightenment Pill is very difficult to practice, like our Gongsun family's annual production is only two hundred. , There are so many small areas in Qingfeng Town, the mayor really did a great job this time!" Special Envoy Tianlin said proudly and emotionally.

Although I don't know the specific details of Tao's fusion degree very well, the general meaning can still be guessed by Wukong, Zixia and others. Special Envoy Lin became suspicious. It would be better if there were fewer people who knew about their coming from Hongmeng Outer Territory. It would be bad if they caused unnecessary trouble, so it was better to ask Zhang Yutai and others after returning.

Seeing that Wukong and Zixia didn't intend to open the jade box, and they didn't feel much surprise when they heard that there was the Empress of Enlightenment in it, Tianlin's special envoy immediately looked at Wukong and Wukong with admiration.

So the special envoy Tianlin spoke to Wukong and said: "Little friend Sun, little friend Zi, why don't you open the jade box and have a look? Have you already used the Enlightenment Pill? And your rewards are not limited to the Enlightenment Pill, so don't you look at it first?" Look?"

"We haven't used the Enlightenment Pill before. As for the reward, we plan to go back and look at it. It won't disappear if we look at it later, so there is no rush." ​​Wukong said lightly, and at the same time answered for Zixia.

Zixia said "Yes" to show that she and Wukong had the same idea.

"Hehe, I really don't want to be in a hurry, haha, then let's not talk about this. By the way, Sun Xiaoyou, I would like to ask you again, are you willing to join our Gongsun family?" Special envoy Tianlin could see that Zixia and the other three followed Wukong's lead. , so as long as Wukong is persuaded, the other three should have no problem.

"Sorry, I still say the same thing." Wukong refused.

"Haha, it's okay. If you figure it out in the future, the Gongsun family welcomes you to join us at any time." Special Envoy Tianlin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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