Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 617 Integration of Tao

Chapter 617 Integration of Tao ([-])
Then the special envoy Tianlin continued: "Then let me talk about the two of you. Although you two did not enter the top three in the regional competition, according to the performance of the two of you in the trial tower, especially your little friend Yun Fight with Wu Xiaoyou
The extraordinary strength shown by Dou, the potential of the two of you is very great, so you also got the opportunity to go to Qingfeng Taoist Temple to study. "

"This is really the case! Hehe, this way we can learn skills with brother Wukong and sister Zixia. It's really great." Yun Xuanling cheered happily, not caring about having a status here' very high'

Special envoy.

Regarding Yun Xuanling's "presumptuousness", Wukong didn't give any hint to Yunxuanling. After all, Wukong himself didn't like those complicated rules. As for Zixia and Qi Yanfeng, they followed Wukong's lead. Wukong didn't say anything, let alone Say

On the contrary, Wu Lin said nervously to Yun Xuanling: "Fellow Daoist Yun, we are still on Tianlin's special envoy's territory, so please don't be so rude, otherwise you will anger the special envoy and make him treat you like that." Bad impression, it is likely to take

Cancel your quota, and you should thank Mr. Special Envoy at this time. "

The pure and straightforward Yun Xuanling heard Wu Lin's voice transmission, believed Wu Lin's words, immediately sat there obediently and stopped cheering, and secretly glanced at Special Envoy Tianlin to see if he was angry.

At this time, Wukong happened to thank Special Envoy Tianlin on behalf of Yunxuanling and the others and asked, "Thank you Special Envoy Tianlin for your great love for my two brothers. I wonder when we will leave for Qingfeng Taoist Temple?"

Wukong's question caused Wu Lin, who was about to apologize to Special Envoy Tianlin on behalf of Yunxuanling, to ask Special Envoy Tianlin to have a lot, don't worry about Yunxuanling's rude offense, and immediately swallowed back what he said.

In fact, Wu Lin was worrying too much. Special envoy Tianlin didn't care about Yun Xuanling's 'recklessness' just now, on the contrary he admired Yun Xuanling's frankness.

Just listen to Tianlin's special envoy answer Wukong's question: "In the morning of three days later, you will gather in this group of heroic halls, and I will lead you to Qingfeng Taoist temple then."

"Well, so is there nothing else to do now? If there is nothing else, I think it's time for us to say goodbye and go back." Goku continued.

"Hehe, there's nothing else to do, Xiaoyou Sun. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me at any time. Our door is open for you at any time. If you can help, Daoist Yunxin and I will definitely help you ."sky
Envoy Lin said with a smile.

"Thank you, then we will take our leave first." Wukong stood up and said.

"Hehe, fine, that's the same sentence, if you need it in the future, come to us at any time, then I won't give you more." Special Envoy Tianlin still said with a smile.

Although Special Envoy Tianlin attaches great importance to Wukong and believes that Wukong has great potential, but there are many geniuses with great potential, and there are also many geniuses who died halfway. Wukong is still just a young man to him now, and Special Envoy Tianlin can at most put down a little airs. realize

Kong spoke politely, and would not put down his figure to send Wu Kong off in person again.

Wukong nodded, then turned and walked out. Zixia and the others stood up and followed Wukong without hesitation. Only Wu Lin hesitated for a while, then got up and left as well.

(End of this chapter)

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