Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 619 Integration of Tao

Chapter 619 Integration of Tao ([-])
"Is it true that the Qingyuan Mirror can only detect life forms belonging to the Primordial Universe, and life forms in other lower-level universes will not be detected?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"Well, you can say that, or you don't need to say that, because life forms in the low-level universe can't enter the primordial universe at all." Zhang Yutai nodded and said.

"So that's it. I will release them later, and they will trouble you to take care of them." Wukong also understood why Hongjun and other people from the Great Desolate Universe couldn't come out at this time. rule restrictions.

However, Wukong didn't give up the idea of ​​letting them out. After all, he was also a creature of the Great Desolate Universe in this life, but now he can enter the Hongmeng Universe.

As for Zixia's ability to enter the Hongmeng universe, Wukong guessed that it might have something to do with Pangu, because Zixia once told Wukong that Pangu led some ancient gods of the prehistoric universe to the source world, which is the outer domain of Hongmeng, and the Moonlight Treasure Box has the ability to travel through the source world. With the ability between the primordial universe and the primordial universe, Wukong guessed that Pangu might have found some way to allow the creatures of the lower universe to enter the primordial universe.

Of course, this is just Wukong's guess. After all, Wukong doesn't know whether Pangu brought those ancestral witches and other ancient gods into his universe into the Hongmeng universe, or directly brought them into the Hongmeng universe. Moonlight Treasure Box, but he has not been able to control the Moonlight Treasure Box to enter the Hongmeng Universe, so he has never been to the Hongmeng Universe, so this conjecture needs to be investigated.

Another reason for Wukong's guess is because of himself, because Wukong and Zixia are destined to marry each other, and he has the seal of nothingness. After all, it is conjecture. The Moonlight Box is also in Wukong's hands now. We can only study the Moonlight Box and the Seal of Nothingness when we have free time.

As for Yunxuanling, Wukong felt that he should be a creature of the Hongmeng universe. According to Wukong's previous memory, the iridescent holy cloud did not exist in the lower universe. Yunxuanling should have drifted to the lower universe for some reason, and Yunxuan Xuan Ling himself didn't know very well.

"It's no problem, don't worry Wukong, I will never treat them badly when they are here." Zhang Yutai assured.

"Well, Brother Zhang, if you have nothing else to do, you can go and do your own work, and you don't have to stay with us here." Wukong nodded and said.

"Okay, then I'll go to work first, if you have anything to do, you can send me a direct voice transmission." Zhang Yutai turned and left after speaking.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Wukong studied the 'empty', the seal of nothingness and the moonlight treasure box in these three days, but there was no progress. Wukong was not in a hurry. He believed that one day he would study all these thoroughly. .

Now, Wukong and the others have come to the Hall of Heroes, besides Wukong, there are two uncles and nephews from the Zhang family, Zhang Yi, Zhang Jiangtian, and children from other families who have obtained places.

Special envoy Tianlin looked around, and after confirming that everyone was present, he said to everyone: "We are going to go to Qingfeng Taoist temple soon, but before we go, I need to give you a reminder in advance, so that you don't have to wait until the time comes. An irreversible catastrophe has occurred."

 Sorry, I was busy with business some time ago, and now I officially resume the update
(End of this chapter)

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