Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 620 Integration of Tao

Chapter 620 Integration of Tao ([-])
After speaking, Special Envoy Tianlin changed the subject and immediately said seriously: "Don't think that you will be able to enter the Qingfeng Taoist Temple after you get the quota to go to the Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and you can sit back and relax. After you go to the Qingfeng Taoist Temple, you still have to face the integration of Dao In the degree test, only those with a degree of integration of 20.00% or more will be admitted to Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and those with a degree of integration of 20.00% are not included, so it is very likely that some of you will be eliminated, and no matter whether you are Whether you are admitted or eliminated, from the moment you go to Qingfeng Taoist Temple, you must follow me closely and follow my arrangements. You are not allowed to run around or cause trouble. Otherwise, if something happens, don’t blame me for not reminding you. If you offend, you shouldn’t be offended. I won’t help you if you are human. So before you are admitted to Qingfeng Taoist Temple or eliminated and leave Qingfeng Taoist Temple with me, please be smart, do you hear me?”

The last sentence of Special Envoy Tianlin's question was very loud, and there was a hint of deterrence in the voice. A few people with low cultivation levels were almost frightened by Special Envoy Tianlin's last sentence, trembling, and their faces turned pale In addition to Wukong and a few other people who were still calm, all the people present who got the quota were more or less intimidated by the deterrence of Tianlin's special envoy, and were more or less affected.

Shortly thereafter, except for the four Wukong who did not answer coolly, the others all replied unanimously: "I heard."

Special envoy Tianlin looked at everyone with satisfaction, especially at the few people who were not affected by his deterrent power, and gave them not only satisfaction but also admiration.

"Okay, let's go now." After speaking, Special Envoy Tianlin led the crowd to the depths of the Hall of Heroes.

Soon everyone came to a very spacious secret room, and there was a very large teleportation array in this secret room, which was large enough to accommodate the special envoy Tianlin and others.

There are a total of thirteen non-influential forces in this area, and each force has two places, so there are a total of 32 people including Tianlin Special Envoy and Wukong.

"It turns out that in addition to the teleportation array in the space teleportation tower that teleports to the interior of Qingfeng Town, there is also here." Wukong thought to himself after seeing the teleportation array in front of him.

"All stand on the teleportation circle." Special envoy Tianlin ordered.

Then everyone stood on the teleportation circle, and as Special Envoy Tianlin injected mana into the teleportation circle, a white ray of light lit up, covering everyone in it, and in the blink of an eye, everyone disappeared in place.

Qingfeng Taoist Temple is located in the center of the central area of ​​Qingfeng Town, next to the mansion of the mayor of Qingfeng Town.

Through the space transmission array in the Hall of Heroes, Wukong and his party were transported to the space transmission tower in the central area of ​​Qingfeng Town. This space transmission tower is much larger than the space transmission tower in the area where the Zhang family is located. They are also much stronger, all of them are Golden Armored Guards who have at least the Dao Fruit Status, there are probably thousands of Golden Armored Guards, and there is a Tiger Roaring General who has the Supreme Dao Fruit Status.

Except for the special envoy Tianlin who was no longer surprised, everyone else was shocked by the powerful formation here, even Wukong was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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