Chapter 625 Amazing talent and beauty (five)

Therefore, the Shangguan family has always refused to accept that the Shen family ranks higher than them, so there are fierce battles between the two, both on the surface and in the dark.

Shen Yunfei is the leader of the new generation under the age of 20 in the Shen family, and Shangguan Fei is the leader of Shangguan's younger generation, so there has been no shortage of battles between the two in recent years.

Of course, the strengths of the two were evenly matched before, and they were both at the peak of the fifth order of Heavenly Dao.

At the age of 19, they have reached the peak of the fifth level of the Heavenly Dao. In this small border town of Qingfeng Town, they are definitely peerless geniuses that are rare in ten thousand years.

But now, Shen Yunfei stepped into the sixth level of the Heavenly Dao one step ahead. The gap seems to be small, but in fact there is a big difference. With Shen Yunfei's current strength, he can definitely kill Shangguan Fei in a flash.

"Hmph, do you still think you are qualified to fight with me now?" With a cold snort unremittingly, Shen Yunfei strode away, ignoring Shangguanfei directly, and walked towards the light gate.

At this moment, a young man in golden robe among the five people on the right side of Guangmen said, "Shangguan Fei, come back."

"Uncle Fourteen, here." Shangguan Fei was a little unwilling, but after seeing the expression of the man in the golden robe, he immediately shut up and stopped talking, and then walked back unwillingly.

"Shen Xiong, I didn't expect your Shen family to have such a good seedling, who has such a cultivation level at a young age, and his future achievements are limitless! However, there are also many geniuses who died in the process of growing up. Don't be like this, little guy!" There was a hint of murderous intent in the golden robe man's tone.

"Haha, Shangguan Chengtian, you are really flattering me. My nephew is not talented, but he is only a little bit taller than you, who was the first genius in Qingfeng Town in the past." One of the six people who sat in the same carriage as Shen Yunfei The middle-aged man in purple laughed loudly.

These two are supreme Taoist powerhouses, one is the old Taishang elder of the Shen family, and the other is the two influential figures of the Shangguan family, they are the leaders of the Shen family and the Shangguan family respectively.

Two Hongmeng years can't leave much traces of time on a strong man of Shangguan Chengtian's level, so people who don't know him will think that he is also a member of the younger generation of Shangguan who has won the quota.

The reason why Shen Xiong dared to say that Shen Yunfei was a little bit stronger than Shangguan Chengtian was because Shangguan Chengtian only attained the sixth-level fruit position of the Heavenly Dao when he entered Qingfeng Town at the age of 20, so he was already in this Qingfeng Town. It belongs to a peerless genius, after all, the more difficult it is to practice.

Although Shangguan Fei is 19 years old now, he is already at the peak of the fifth level of the Heavenly Dao, but at that step, if he is lucky, he will soon be able to break through to the sixth level of the Heavenly Way like Shen Yunfei. If he is unlucky, it may take about ten years to break through. , or even longer.

Therefore, Shen Yunfei's talent can be said to be very strong, at least in this small Qingfeng Town, it is rare.

Hearing Shen Xiong's arrogant laugh, Shangguan Chengtian twitched his face, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

After all, the children of the families who can ride with them in the two chief carriages are all the most talented disciples of the younger generation of each family, and they are all above the fifth level of the Dao of Heaven.

The Shen family has five young children who have cultivated above the fifth level of the Heavenly Dao, while the Shangguan family only has four young children who have cultivated above the fifth level of the Heavenly Way, and this has already lost a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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