Chapter 626 Amazing talent and beauty ([-])

What's more, the Shen family still has a peerless genius who is a sixth-order Heavenly Dao, and he alone can already look down on the younger generation.

, While they were fighting, people from other forces were also shocked by the appearance of a peerless genius in the Shen family, and also shocked by the rapid development of the Shen family.

"The Shen family is developing faster and faster, and there are so many geniuses. Now that there is such a peerless genius as Shen Yunfei, I am afraid they are going to compete for the number one position in the mayor's mansion." The ascetics below whispered.

"Yes! It would be great if I could join the Shen family." Another ascetic said longingly.

"It's just you, come on! Can the Shen family want you?" the first ascetic said in a blow.

"Isn't it okay to talk about it?" The latter ascetic also had self-knowledge.

While everyone was discussing, Shen Yunfei had already passed through the light gate, and the test results were announced.

"The fusion degree of Dao is 30.00% two." Guangmen automatically reported the test result.

"What, it's actually 30.00% two, I heard right? Qingfeng Town hasn't had a genius with a fusion degree of more than 30.00% for a long time. Ever since Shangguan Chengtian tested that the fusion degree of Dao reached 30.00%, there have been two No one has reached 30.00% in the test for so many years. Also, being able to prove the sixth level of the Heavenly Dao at such an age is even higher than Shangguan Chengtian's talent back then. It's no wonder that the degree of integration of Dao is not high. The first day in town is none other than him." A monk below said in surprise.

"You are a bit ignorant now. It's not been a long time since a genius with more than 30.00% appeared. It just appeared and was not known to most people. Don't forget that there is another faction that did not come to participate in the entrance test. "Another ascetic corrected.

"Ah! Is there another faction that didn't come to participate in the entrance test?" The ascetic didn't react for a while.

"Of course, don't forget the Mayor's Mansion, the overlord of our Qingfeng Town, they have never come to participate in the entry test. Since the Mayor's Mansion has always thought that it can firmly sit on the overlord of Qingfeng Town, then the Mayor's Mansion must There is no shortage of peerless geniuses." Another ascetic talked eloquently.

"So, neither Shangguan Chengtian back then nor Shen Yunfei today is the number one genius in Qingfeng Town in the true sense. If the mayor's mansion also comes out to participate, the result can be imagined." The first ascetic concluded.

The discussions below were endless, some were surprised and shocked, some were envious and jealous, and some were as surprised as the two just discussed about the mayor's mansion.

Hearing the results of Shen Yunfei's test, the people in the Shen family were the happiest. Even though they knew the result a long time ago, not only did they know the result of the integration of their own family members against Dao, but those who got places from various forces basically knew that they were right for Dao. Because they have tested themselves before coming, after all, they know that there is such a test, if they fail to pass, it is useless to come.

Of course, except for a few people who didn't take the test, everyone basically already knew their test results, and those few people were Wukong and the others.

"The mayor's mansion, hmph, you are very clever at this. One day, my Shen family will replace your supremacy and become number one in the true sense." Shen Xiong also heard the discussions from the people below, and thought to himself .

(End of this chapter)

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