Chapter 627 Shocking Talent (Part [-])
Of course he knew that the mayor's mansion didn't come to take the test, so what if Shen Yunfei from the Shen family got the highest test result, he still wouldn't be recognized by everyone.

After all, the mayor's mansion has too much influence in Qingfeng Town, even if they don't surpass Shen Yunfei's genius, they are still considered by the outside world to have surpassed Shen Yunfei's genius, so Shen Xiong is still a little bit unwilling in his heart.

Hearing Shen Yunfei's test results, everyone in the Shangguan family was the most unhappy. Although they already knew Shen Yunfei's strength just now, and knew that his degree of fusion with the Tao must not be low, but they knew it. After hearing it with their own ears and confirming it, they He was even more unwilling to be surpassed by the Shen family.

Especially Shangguan Chengtian, I saw a murderous intent flashing in the corner of his eyes, and then quickly returned to normal without being noticed.

Then Shangguan Chengtian said to Shen Xiong indifferently: "Your Shen family hides it quite deeply. If I guess I am not wrong, your Shen family boy has already proved the sixth level of the way of heaven, not just these two days. of."

As a competitor, the Shangguan family will of course collect information about the younger generation of the Shen family, especially the most outstanding younger generation of the Shen family. The strength that Shen Yunfei showed before was comparable to Shangguan Fei, the most outstanding younger generation of the Shangguan family. It also attracted the attention of the Shangguan family.

So before coming, Shangguan Chengtian knew the relevant information about the young children of the Shen family who got the quota this time, and also knew that there was a conflict between Shangguanfei and Shen Yunfei two days ago, and the two had also competed. It's still only the fifth-order peak of the Heavenly Dao.

The reason why it is believed that Shen Yunfei did not just break through in the past two days is because the aura revealed by Shen Yunfei when he became powerful just now was obviously very stable, unlike the way he just broke through to the sixth level of the Heavenly Dao, it has been a while since he broke through obviously.

Therefore, Shangguan Chengtian guessed that Shen Yunfei had made a breakthrough long ago, but he just kept forbearing, just waiting for the blockbuster of today's test, and using them to make a name for himself.

If he had known that Shen Yunfei had passed the sixth level of the Dao of Heaven, Shangguan Chengtian would never let Shangguanfei compete for the first test. The Shangguan family obviously wanted their Shangguan family to challenge them after misjudging Shen Yunfei's strength. Being able to show great strength to overwhelm Shangguan Fei will not only increase the prestige of the Shen family and make Shen Yunfei a blockbuster, but also suppress the Shen family to gain prestige.

After all, the Shen family was a power that rose suddenly more than 3000 years ago, and it developed rapidly. In just over 3000 years, it developed from a little-known low-level power to a seventh-rate power. The number of Supreme Dao powerhouses he possesses divides the Shen family into seven forces, so the Shen family temporarily ranks last among the seven forces.

However, after more than 100 years, the Shen family ushered in the opportunity to re-rank, and their ranking soared in the Qingfeng Town Grand Competition that was once every ten thousand years more than 9000 years ago, directly promoted from No. 130 to No.2.

So far, the Shen family is completely famous in Qingfeng Town, but because it narrowly beat the Shangguan family to get No. Everyone even thought that the background of the Shen family was definitely not as good as that of the Shangguan family, and that the No.2 of the Shen family was a bit of a misnomer.

(End of this chapter)

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