Chapter 628 Amazing talent and beauty (eight)

But it will be different after today. Qingfeng Daoist Temple has a big event to recruit young talents once in Hongmeng's year. Shen Yunfei, a genius like Shen Yunfei, appears in the Shen family. I know, that is, the Shen family has already left the Shangguan family far behind, and has the qualifications to compete with the overlord mayor's mansion in Qingfeng Town.

"Haha, that's right, Yunfei had already certified the sixth level of the Dao of Heaven half a year ago, Yunfei was right, our Shen family didn't take your Shangguan family seriously, and our Shen family's next opponent is The mayor's mansion, not your Shangguan's house." After speaking, Shen Xiong spoke louder and louder, and directly used mana to spread his voice to the ears of everyone present.

He just wants to let everyone in Qingfeng Town know that their Shen family is stronger and has the qualifications to compete with the overlord of Qingfeng Town, the Mayor's Mansion.

Hearing what Shangguan Chengtian and Shen Xiong said, a strange color flashed in the corner of Shangguanfei's eyes, he clasped his hands tightly, and stared at Shen Yunfei tightly.

Originally thought that Shen Yunfei was on par with him, but he didn't expect that the other party had already proved the sixth level of the way of heaven half a year ago, leaving him far behind. This was undoubtedly a blow to him.

"Half a year ago, I have already proved the sixth level of the way of heaven, isn't this too monstrous?"

"The Shen family is developing too fast."

"The hegemony of the mayor's mansion is in danger."

The people below were extremely shocked, especially some forces were thinking about whether they should do something.

"Okay, okay, okay, your Shen family is really good, don't think that it's great to have Shen Yunfei in your Shen family, don't forget, he hasn't grown up yet, Qingfeng Town has no shortage of geniuses, but you can grow into a strong person." There are not many geniuses, and the background of my Shangguan family is not comparable to that of your Shen family's "small family" with a history of only tens of thousands of years." Shangguan Chengtian said a few good things.

Although Shangguan Chengtian had guessed that Shen Yunfei had already proved the sixth level of the Dao of Heaven, it was another matter to hear it with his own ears, and it was much earlier than he expected. He thought that Shen Yunfei had proved the Dao of Heaven about ten days earlier. The sixth level is already very remarkable, after all, it is more than enough to stabilize the cultivation base for ten days, and even using some secret methods to stabilize the cultivation base for a day or so is not difficult, so before Shangguan Chengtian only guessed that Shen Yunfei had already broken through.

However, Shangguan Chengtian did not regret asking Shen Xiong, after all, it would not be a bad thing for them to know more about the geniuses of the Shen family, and they could even make some plans early on, the only thing he cared about was that it would make the Shen family's reputation even worse.

What Shangguan Chengtian said is not wrong. There are many dangerous places in the Hongmeng Sanctuary, and many geniuses have fallen in the process of growing up. Moreover, it is not so easy to obtain the seal of nothingness. , can break through the shackles of the Dao and prove a higher fruit position. After all, the Dao Seal of Nothingness is limited.

Especially in a college in a small town like Qingfeng Town, Qingfeng Taoist Temple has fewer empty Dao seals that have no destination, and it is not so easy to obtain. If you want to obtain it, there is a certain danger. In this process, even a peerless genius It may also fall.

Otherwise, in Qingfeng Town, the forces with Supreme Dao powerhouses have developed for so many years, how come there are only a few Supreme Dao powerhouses.

(End of this chapter)

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