Chapter 629 Amazing talent and beauty ([-])

Especially a big family like the Shangguan family that has developed for more than 1 Hongmeng years in Qingfeng Town is only a few dozen Supreme Dao powerhouses.

It's not that they don't have geniuses, it's just that most of them died in the process of growing up, or they didn't have the opportunity to obtain the Dao Seal of Nothingness. In the last five Hongmeng years, Shangguan Chengtian also obtained the Dao Seal of Nothingness and proved the Supreme Dao fruit position.

So although Shen Yunfei is very good now, even better than Shangguan Chengtian when he was young, it is still a question of whether he can grow up.

As for the fact that the Shen family’s heritage is not as good as that of the Shangguan family, it is not wrong. After all, the history of the Shen family’s development in Qingfeng Town is only more than 1 years. The Shen family just settled in Qingfeng Town more than 1 years ago. The history of Hongmeng years (one Hongmeng year is equal to one hundred yuanhui, one yuanhui is equal to 1 billion years, and ten thousand Hongmeng years is more than 13 trillion years) is too short, even a fraction of Shangguan’s None.

With such a long history, it is impossible to say that there are some powerful people hidden in the Shangguan family. Even the Qingfeng Town Grand Competition did not show up last time. Not only them, but also other big forces with a long history, it is impossible to expose all the inside information , there must be some hidden means.

"Haha, can you beat the competition? You will know next time in the competition in Qingfeng Town. I hope that the old antiques hidden by your Shangguan's house will be called out at that time. Don't be unconvinced when you lose." Shen Xiong didn't care about Shangguan Cheng at all. Tian said that the Shen family is a 'small family', and said it very confidently.

"Hmph!" Shangguan Chengtian didn't say anything anymore, and if he said too much, he would only make himself boring. Although Shangguan Chengtian was a little uneasy about Shen Xiong's overconfidence, he didn't take it to heart. He didn't believe that the Shen family was better than them. The Shangguan family is strong, especially because he believes that in the next Qingfeng Town Grand Competition, with their Shangguan family background, they can definitely beat the Shen family. He is also full of confidence in his family.

The test was still in progress, seeing that Shangguan Chengtian didn't speak anymore, Shen Xiong didn't say anything, and then turned his attention to the children of Shen's family who were under the test.

And when everyone in the Shen family saw that the two elders stopped talking, some people continued to follow Shen Yunfei's steps and went to the test.

"The fusion degree of Tao is 30.00%."

"The fusion degree of Tao is 30.00%."

"The fusion degree of Tao is 20.00% nine."

"The fusion degree of Tao is 20.00% eight."

After the other four Shen family children in the Shen family's first carriage passed through the light gate, the results of the test immediately caused another commotion.

"The Shen family has two other peerless geniuses with a fusion rate of 30.00%, which is rare in a few years. Now there are three in the Shen family at the same time. This Shen family is too powerful." The people below said in shock. .

"Could it be that the hegemony of Qingfeng Town will only change hands?"

"How did the Shen family develop so fast? Could it be that they had any great opportunity? It must be, otherwise how could they develop so fast?"

This time, there was no movement in the Shangguan family, and Shangguan Chengtian didn't say anything more, because he knew it would be useless to talk too much. Shangguan Chengtian took a little look at Shen Yunfei and other three Shen family children whose fusion degree reached more than 30.00%. But in his heart he was thinking about how to deal with the Shen family.

(End of this chapter)

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