Chapter 630 Shocking Talent ([-])
Without the tit-for-tat confrontation between the elders of the Shen family and the Shangguan family, the discussions from the people below would not be able to interrupt the Shen family's rushing test progress.

"The fusion degree of Tao is 20.00% six."

"The fusion degree of Tao is 20.00% six."

"The fusion degree of Tao is 20.00% two."

Soon the 100 people in the Shen family were tested. Except for the first five people who were amazing and brilliant, most of the others tested pretty well, only a small part of the test was so-so.

As soon as the Shen family finished the test, the Shangguan family stopped talking nonsense, and immediately went up to the test, and no one bothered to interfere. The next test, the major forces will conduct according to their respective rankings.

Not surprisingly, all the people from the major forces who came to the test passed the first test. This time, there were a lot of geniuses. Basically, each faction has a Dao fusion degree of 30.00%, such as Shangguan Fei from the Shangguan family. The degree of fusion reached 30.00%.

At the beginning, when Shangguan Fei tested the fusion degree of 30.00%, it did not attract much attention from everyone. After all, there were three Shen family with fusion degrees above 30.00%, especially Shen Yunfei who reached 30.00%, completely overwhelming the Shangguan family. Guang Guang, this made the Shangguan family very unhappy.

But in the end, so many geniuses appeared all at once, which shocked everyone, and even some thoughtful people wondered if something big was about to happen. If these geniuses were in Qingfeng Town in the past, they would definitely be dazzling stars, but now, the vast majority Most will become a stepping stone to fame for others.

There are quite a few people from various major forces who have passed the test. Of course, they will not continue to stand at the door. Instead, they will be notified by Liu Hong to enter the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple after passing the test. After entering the outer courtyard, someone will conduct a second test on them.

The second level test is not as easy as the first level. The second level is different from the first level. It is not specific and will change every time. The last test is concentration. If concentration fails to reach a certain standard, you will be eliminated , often the second pass will eliminate most people, even those big forces are no exception, some will be eliminated, although they are big forces, have more resources, better conditions, and higher overall quality, but they are still the same. There are also those that are not up to standard.

After all, they have a large number of people, and there are always a few who can't meet the requirements. Those who are eliminated and can finally stay are considered geniuses in Qingfeng Town, such as Shen Yunfei and others who belong to Qingfeng Town.

After the test of all the seven-stream forces was over, Liu Hong stood up and closed the light gate of the fusion degree of the test path, then flew into the air, and said condescendingly to all those who had not yet tested: "As in the past, in order to save Time, you are a unified test, then you just relax, remember, don't resist, or you will bear the consequences."

Except for the strongest seven-tier powers in Qingfeng Town who have to be tested one by one, other small and medium powers and people without power have to be tested uniformly.

After all, there are a large number of people who come to Qingfeng Taoist Temple, about one billion people. If you go to the test one by one, you don't know when it will be, so most of them have to go through a concentrated test.

In this world where the strong are respected, only those who have enough strength can have some privileges, so those who are the strongest in Qingfeng Town can test one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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