Chapter 631 Shockingly Talented (Eleventh)

The strength of Tao fusion is related to many factors. The level of innate fusion with Tao cannot determine the achievements of a lifetime, it only shows that the starting point is high or low.

If some ascetics with a low degree of moral integration encounter any great opportunity, they can still improve their moral integration and soar into the sky.

There are many miraculous medicines and holy fruits of spiritual herbs that can improve the degree of integration with the Tao, but of course their effectiveness is limited.

The difference in the degree of innate fusion with Tao is mostly related to the level of blood. The higher the bloodline, the higher the fusion with Tao. Conversely, the lower the bloodline, the lower the fusion with Tao.

The strength of a family's bloodline is related to whether there are strong people in the history of the family. The more strong people, the stronger the bloodline of the family, the higher the probability of having a strong bloodline in the descendants. Of course, there will be some bloodline mutations Yes, there is no strong person in the history of the family, but the bloodline is very strong, it is not without it, but very few, but this is compared to the population of the huge universe in the Hongmeng Sanctuary. The number of ascetics with mutated bloodlines in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary is also not a small number.

Qingfeng Town is just a small frontier town, and the bloodlines of the ascetics are not too high. Therefore, in Qingfeng Town, it is very rare to achieve a fusion degree of more than 30.00% in the teens, and it can reach 30.00% In Qingfeng Town, he is already a peerless genius. If this kind of peerless genius has the Dao Seal of Nothingness, it is definitely not a problem to prove the Dao Fruit Status in 1000 years, and the Supreme Dao Fruit Status in 5000 years. It can be said to be amazingly talented, so many peerless geniuses appeared all at once.

In the long river of history, the peerless geniuses that appeared in Qingfeng Town basically came from the seventh-rate forces with a large amount of cultivation resources, the eighth-rate and nine-rate forces, the non-influential forces, and even those casual cultivators who seldom have a fusion degree of 30.00 %Above.

Most of the eighth and ninth-rate forces, non-influential forces, and casual cultivators will fail the second level test, so Qingfeng Town will not waste time on them to conduct the first level test one by one.

Ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary have a minimum degree of fusion of Taoism of [-]%, and none of them is zero. From [-]% to [-]% (including [-]%), if there is no great opportunity to increase the degree of fusion, it can only be proved at most. The way of heaven is complete, even if you get the seal of nothingness, you can't comprehend it.

If the ascetics with a Tao fusion degree of 11.00% to 20.00% (including 20.00%) do not have a great opportunity to increase their fusion degree, they can only at best prove the Great Perfection of the Dao, and even if they get the Dao seal of nothingness, they will not be able to comprehend it.

The fusion degree of Dao is 20.00%. One to thirty percent (including 30.00%) ascetics who have the Dao seal of nothingness can at most prove the Supreme Dao Dzogchen. Therefore, the minimum requirement for recruiting disciples of Qingfeng Taoist Temple is the fusion of Dao The degree must be above 20.00% (excluding 20.00%).

The fusion degree of Tao is from 30.00% to 40.00% (including 40.00%). If the ascetic has the Dao seal of nothingness, he can at most prove the fifth level of Dao of nothingness, that is, the grand master.

The integration degree of Dao is 40.00% - 50.00% (including 50.00%). If the ascetic has the Dao Seal of Nothingness, he can at most prove the sixth level of Dao of Nothingness, and he is also the Grand Priest.

(End of this chapter)

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