Chapter 636 Recruitment ([-])

The same is true for the areas where other eight-rate, nine-rate, non-influential forces and casual cultivators are located. Except for the mayor's mansion, all seven major forces have sent special envoys to manage them.

"Brother Shen is right, Brother Qiao, how can those small powers and casual cultivators compare with big powers like ours, if there are a few of them with a fusion rate of 30.00%, it is already a meritorious ancestor." At this time, A young man in blue appeared and said that he was obviously in the same camp as the Shen family.

"Okay, stop arguing here, and don't guess wildly here. After the second test, I will tell you why I was shocked." Liu Hong stood up and said at this time.

"Haha, let's wait and see, and see if there is a peerless genius no worse than the Shen family boy among those small powers and casual cultivators." Shangguan Chengtian laughed loudly.

"Hmph, I don't believe that there can be any peerless genius among those small forces, let alone someone who is comparable to Yunfei, even if the fusion degree of the Tao reaches 30.00%, I don't believe there will be one." The weak casual cultivator ignored it, showing extreme contempt.

"Oh, Shen Xiong, I remember that someone's family used to be a small power." Shangguan Chengtian said lightly, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

"Hmph, Shangguan Chengtian, don't make insinuations. Our Shen family used to be a small power, so what? Even at that time, those small powers couldn't compare, even your Shangguan family couldn't compare." Shen Xiong was very arrogant. Said.

"Huh? So you think all the big forces in our Qingfeng Town are inferior to when your Shen family was still a small force?" Shangguan Chengtian's tone revealed a trace of murderous intent.

"Shangguan Chengtian, don't sow discord and talk nonsense there. I'm only talking about your Shangguan family, but I didn't talk about other big forces. Do you have to make my words clear?" Shen Xiong is not confused, he knows that he can't Offended all the big forces. After all, some of these big forces are allied with the Shen family. The Shen family still doesn't have the ability to overwhelm the heroes. Even the mayor's mansion is not something the current Shen family can afford to offend.

But in his heart, Shen Xiong believed that one day Qingfeng Town would belong to the Shen family.

"Oh? I'd like to hear what you said so clearly?" Shangguan Chengtian teased.

"Okay, okay, you two just stop arguing for my sake, it's useless for you to bicker here now, wait until the next Qingfeng Town Grand Competition and then use your strength to speak." At this moment, Liu Hong couldn't take it anymore, and stood up as a peacemaker.

"Well, I'll give you Brother Liu some face." After Shen Xiong said, he stopped arguing with Shangguan Chengtian, after all, he still needs Liu Hong's help in the future, so even if he was given some face, it would be pointless to continue bickering.

"Okay, for Brother Liu's sake, I won't be as knowledgeable as you. Next time in the Qingfeng Town competition, let's see who has the biggest fist." Shangguan Chengtian still needs Liu Hong's help in the future, and It's not good to brush his face, but he still said to Shen Xiong not to be outdone.

"Hmph!" Shen Xiong snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The second test site is a small world where Wukong lives.

Wukong walked towards the sixth door of light based on his feeling, and walked without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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