Chapter 637 Recruitment ([-])

After stepping through the sixth door of light, Wukong only felt a huge suction force on his body, and in the blink of an eye, Wukong appeared on a huge square.

In this large square, besides Wukong, there are more than 1 people at this time. These 1 people are basically members of the major seven forces, and only a very small number of them are members of various small forces and casual cultivators. .

The contestants of the major seven factions immediately proceeded to the second test after the first test. At this time, the first test of the small forces and casual cultivators had not yet been carried out. After the first test of the members of the major forces, And immediately after the second level test, other small powers and casual cultivators did the first level test after a period of time, so the members of each big power had to go through the second level test a period of time earlier than the small powers and casual cultivators.

It is precisely because the second level test of each major force has already been tested, and no members of each major force have been eliminated. It can be explained that the members of each major force have relatively high luck. The pass rate of the second pass test is much higher than the previous test.

Especially at this moment, many small forces and casual cultivators have been eliminated, and people from the major seven forces outside are completely happy to see this.

Because at this time, many small forces and casual cultivators have been eliminated, and none of the members of the major seven-rate forces tested first were eliminated. Previously, they were not completely sure that all of their people passed the test. Maybe some of them haven't been tested yet.

Although the second level test is simple, as long as you step into a light door, the test will be over soon, but there is only a one-tenth chance of passing the test, maybe some people are hesitant, have not taken a step, have not walked towards any A door of light.

But the people of the major forces believe that those who participated in the test will step into one of the light gates without hesitation. I believe their luck is very strong.

Of course, they are not completely convinced. There was still a little uncertainty before. Now that they saw a large number of people from small forces and casual cultivators being eliminated, they are sure that all of their people must have passed the test. They believe that their people must not There will still be hesitating cowards who have so much faith in their people.

But it didn't take long for them to be happy. Suddenly, the members of the major forces who participated in the test appeared outside the gate of Qingfeng Taoist Temple one after another. There were more than 20 of them. , the same is true for the eliminated people of other small forces and casual cultivators, appearing in the place they first occupied.

After a while, no members of the major forces were eliminated, but these 20 people were already a disgrace to their forces.

Just now they were still loudly saying how good their people are, and they all passed the test, but it didn't take long for someone to be eliminated. This was undoubtedly a slap in the face for them. Speak again.

These 20 people are all ranked lower among the seven forces, and belong to the bottom of the big forces.

(End of this chapter)

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